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Oscar Winner Helen Mirren: We Are All Worth at Any Age.

I wanted to start with just dissecting a
little bit this journey of self-doubt to
self-worth and why for you particularly
this is something that was important for
you to get involved in well you know I
came into this in a two-pronged way I
worked for the Prince’s Trust for quite
a long time many years actually as an
ambassador because I thought with the
work that they were doing with young
people in Britain was extraordinary and
and very productive and very very
worthwhile so I was happy to be a part
of that process and then my luck got
really good and I was asked to join the
Loreal family which was an amazing
moment because you know it happened when
I was I think three years old for my
ages of being like that
good loved it but you know not a
certainly not a young beautiful young
thing so that was an amazing moment when
L’Oreal’s would have stepped into that
space and allowed women of all ages to
to be able to be a face for the brand
and to be able to say we love makeup we
love you know hair coloring our hair we
love to look make ourselves look as good
as we possibly can in the morning so you
know that was great for me to be invited
to be a part of that and then when
L’Oreal and the Prince’s Trust got
together with what I think is a pretty
remarkable moment in advertising of of
authenticity I thought it’s very
interesting listening to what the
previous panel were talking about in the
sense that this this scent in
advertising that it’s no longer enough
just to have the pretty words the
wonderful campaigns the sexy campaigns
that you know the inventive campaigns
the young nowadays want authenticity it
seems to me there’s something afoot and
that’s to do with looking
much more much more deeply into why do
we buy that as opposed to that and with
this campaign I just felt that L’Oreal
was walking the walk talking the talk
definitely because they’re worth it is
unbelievable campaign you know it’s
probably one of the most successful ever
as yet incredibly successful and it’s
very important first of the brown I
guess to go back to the birthday because
you know when were statements are
created in the seventies I’m I can this
line was very relevant at the time for
woman in women empowerment I’m worth it
as a woman and worth paying a bit more
to get the best beauty product in the
world and I guess you know longer years
we lost a bit of the meaning of this
worth it and it was very important for
us and 2017 to come back to this message
but to enrich it with a very big
diversity message because we’re all
rusted whoever you are wherever you’re
from you are worth it
and to your point had an absolutely boon
put axe behind the word and it’s not
only about you know declaring it’s about
doing something acting as a brand we’re
the number one pizza bun in the world we
need to give back we need to lead by
example so that’s why the partnership
with apprentice trusts are so important
to bring the overfit statements right
and talk about so back to the point of
all verses because I’m worth it that’s a
big shift we have these ambassadors as
part of these stories talk about the
selection of some of these different
members of this team I mean it’s an
amazingly diverse group and their their
stories are fascinating so if you
haven’t watched the individual stories
it’s fascinating you learn about these
people talk a little bit about the
selection process I think that openly
how important that was the casting was
absolutely essential first of all I I
would like to thank Helen for being that
I would say the godmother of this
campaign because she’s bought an amazing
gravitas steps and obviously sharing
your personal story has been absolutely
inspiring for for all those people but
also you know we went for very eclectic
casting and really a celebration of
diversity so you have an oscar-winning
a pop star a male beauty blogger was
hiding from his parents to wear makeup
or katie piper in the studio as active
few years ago so that the casting was
really to work and to say these people
you know when you look at them and you
look at this campaign you might think
well they’re all that very successful
and have millions of followers and you
know that they’re famous but actually
what really unites them is sterling that
journey from subducted south wealth and
they have amazing stories on how they’ve
been overcoming that and we thought it
was really powerful inspirational for
all those young people really who
struggle every day to get this the stuff
worth the star system to look at those
people one might think you know all
that’s for entertainers and everything’s
easy no it’s not you know and to forget
where where they are they had to work on
themselves to fight self-doubt and
sometimes something you have everyday
you know I’m pretty sure and having it
right now in front of all of you guys
and I think we all are but it it’s it’s
how you overcome it and and this is this
this drive designer you know helps you
deliver what you want to deliver in the
world what you want to you know who you
want to be I think you told a particular
story I watched your story a couple of
times and I’ll admit very openly I cried
when I watched your particular yes I’m a
very sad stories that are kinda when I
was doing my interview for L’Oreal
hasn’t thought about this story but I
was speaking about this whole issue of
self worth and self above all self doubt
I suddenly remembered a boy that I knew
when I was about 16 and he was very
smart very funny very witty he had
terrible skin and yet awful acne and he
also had a terrible sort of drunken
father his mother
I don’t wasn’t there anymore they live
littering in one room I
but this boy was sold I really liked him
and he put his head in a gas oven at the
age of 18 because he’s not either many
many many reasons but his father
wouldn’t let him go to university he
absolutely had the ability to go to
university he would have had an
extremely successful life if he could
have just got through those unbelievably
difficult years between you know 17 and
25 he could have just got through those
he would have had a very successful life
and instead he killed himself and you
know it’s um it’s with us all the time
and I think as you all know much more
than I do
you know the exposure to children
obviously young people on the internet
and social media and all that we talked
about that endlessly but you know it’s
funny in this very sophisticated world
that we live in and so full of some
beauty and I mean literal beauty and
then beautiful things and communication
and education and everything the whole
issue of self-doubt seems to be more
extreme than it ever was so that’s you
know that’s absolutely what this program
with the Prince’s Trust is all about why
L’Oreal has stepped up and made this
relationship with the princes trust to
run workshops for young people to fight
their way through is the issue of
self-doubt to give them the tools to
work with and you know for me absolutely
one of those tools and I am saying this
because I’ve City as a representative or
Gloria but he wasn’t sitting here as a
representative of Gloria I would say one
of those tools to me personally is
putting a face on in the morning
you know that help but I’m sure everyone
sitting here maybe last night at the
party or maybe later on today when
you’re having to make a presentation you
know you had you had that awful moment
of oh god I’m not good enough or oh I’m
too stupid or I’m not funny enough or
I’m not tall enough I’m too tall or I’m
not my chin is too double you know my
eyes are too small or whatever it is I
bet you none of you will raise your hand
right now not one of you because you’re
in the advertising business to say yes I
know what you’re talking about heaven
but I swear to God every single one of
you have experienced this so anyway it’s
when it’s in the young it can be so
terribly debilitating leaving leading to
that moment of actually killing yourself
as my friend in so you know that I think
this is a great a great relationship
between a brand obviously a huge
international brand but also a what a
product many many products that are
there to kind of make you feel good we
make you feel better and I guess that
the princess straps as well because you
know for those who don’t know the
Prince’s Trust is one of the biggest NGO
in the UK they have 18 centers across
the UK and they there help disadvantaged
young people and I guess the common
passion points we have with the trustees
is this idea of you know self
realization or self maximum you know you
can always improve yourself at L’Oreal
at the princess has better never stops
and really you know sharing that message
because you know it’s really hard one I
mean we spent a few days now with those
young people with the trust and you know
they really don’t believe in themselves
and it’s really hard for them to relate
and to have those people sharing you
know their story they they see you know
that happens to everyone and even the
most famous ones
and to be able to really connect and
have you know those workshops that
happen four times a year in all of the
centers and work on relationship
introduced feels the way you present
yourself the way you’re interactive
people and really working on that to be
able to believe in you and and deliver
what you want to deliver it’s very
important I know it’s that critical age
isn’t there from 17 to 25 as we’re
discussing but a lot of this this work
is particularly know is there is a key
moment in your life to really you know
say qiyam at the hands and get get your
way on and you know one one young people
are two three in the you guys have
suffer from from self-doubt so really a
big issue and I guess it was very
important for l’oréal you know to act
on our belief and it worth it yet it’s
beautiful campaign and we can buy
billboards and we can do beautiful
advertising but lore’l what do you do
about it you know what are you bringing
to the community how do you give back
how do you lead by example it was very
important for us to incur this campaign
in in the reality of of the UK with
those young people we will help 10,000
young people with this program and
really change their life and allow them
to to achieve their potential and I want
to ask a question to your age in
particularly so
lore’l in the past for many years as
youth celebrities and lots of beautiful
amazing celebrities who of course look
very confident there’s no self doubt
there why is why is Danya and special
because I know this is a special thing
here and we’re talking about and we’re
talking about the efforts that we’re
doing which is quite different and some
of the other pieces than in the past why
is this relationship so special I mean
you’re you know not beautiful it’s not
only that obviously and it’s about the
personality and what you believe in and
I think you know Helen is a fantastic
voice of the bands you know it’s about
authenticity about sincerity is about no
you know we really like that
with Helen because in any situation she
will tell you the truth you know and if
in that l’oréal we found at some point
you know it’s very fine to our
celebrities and it’s been the model of
the band
deny them but we want true relationship
with our celebrities we went through and
also among people who believed in the
bonds otherwise you know what it’s going
to show you know consumers and people
can see very very easily these people
are not sincere what they do and I guess
some is the most important and you know
when we first decided to work with Helen
one of our big thing was to say you know
guys yes I will do all the advertising
and products sure but can we do
something bigger than that as well like
what color is not we are giving back and
I think you know it for some importance
of identifying from the beginning and to
know she wants to deliver big something
bigger than just another product clunky
so how did that feel first time L’Oreal
phoned you up I don’t know what happened
mangu up and said I said well Talia time
what did it take me so normal no it was
fantastic and I thought are at last at
last later shift at last it’s taken a
long time I’ve been waiting for this
shift and I’m talking about age in
beauty you know really at last we’re
being recognized you know and and that
was great that was a great moment I mean
it happened after actually before I came
on board
L’Oreal in particular had already made
that shift but you know I mean I for
many years I lived with a photographer
and James wedge wonderful photographer
and he was a fashion and beauty
photographer and working for orders of
top magazines he could not get a black
girl on the front of a magazine
he could not magazine editors would not
do it and you know you guys sitting here
today I’m sure are thinking of what that
can’t have been true but that was
absolutely true in the mid late
seventies so you know that this shift
has been coming and my god I applause
and so it it makes the world that I live
in so much better to me it’s so great to
see older women see you know different
genders up there different races a
different you know religious people
represented what in the whole diversity
of the world that we are now living in
and finally the breakthrough
I hope happened and I hope thanks to you
guys here that that that process will
continue but yeah that was a great day
we should think there’s no need to thank
I think that for l’oréal embracing
diversity as being you know it’s been a
journey as long as it’s it’s what I want
to say diversity is not a trend you know
it’s just not something you want to
piggyback this is the cool thing to do
right now there’s a city’s value you
have to be committed you know when when
you when you embrace diversity has to
leave and believe everything you do the
advertising campaign your products our
kite launch your staff you know and
diversity is so rich and powerful you
know bringing those differences together
and really was very important for us to
declare and act on that and also to
really walk the talk in everything we do
on the brand you know because it’s it’s
very fine to campaign so you really need
to put acts behind it so he’s packed
into a real human truth that is
genderless that is colorless
then it’s ageist now self-doubt is a
real universal human condition if you
think of it that way how did that get
unlock how did that become obviously
there was always so forth but how did
self-doubt become the thing that really
unified these papers to the effort that
you’re talking about you know when we
listen to people and listen to those
guys or anyone you realize that the
self-worth only comes from the
self-doubt you know it’s kind of a yin
and yang you know and to get one you
need to be further the other the other
one and and really it’s it’s trying to
date below behind or beneath the were
set line and stay
once you know what what is the human
truth behind it why is this message so
powerful you know and why do you create
it in the first place and I guess it was
very empowering for banasura’s to really
celebrate that and to encourage people
to believe in themselves
and young products you need to have a
value around self-realization
self-improvement a ton of stones yes as
an industry we tend to push perfection a
little bit don’t we
so getting really honest with that is
vidiian turning just a niche yeah we
obviously like to sell so is because
we’re the number one beauty brands in
the world we have a we have a role we
have a duty to lead by example you know
and if we don’t do it who’s going to do
it you know and it was very important
also to to lead by example and to kind
of redefine you know what beauty
advertising is about because a lot of
times you see advertising you know it’s
a cliche and people say you know the top
models in the studio with like beautiful
hair swishing around at cetera and this
one this is not real and to consumers
are tired of that and they start to
disengage and just disregard the
industry so it’s very important for
social to kind of change the model yes
yes okay so a big question we have a
creative industry sitting here and you
rightly said I’m sure they all have just
a tiny bit of self doubt whether they’re
presenting a new idea whether creative
people have something they because
because they are they’re putting
yourself out
yes creative people in particular I
think you know you’re stepping into the
unknown you’re stepping into the abyss
every time I presume you guys have to
think of a campaign or think of the line
or think of the story I’ll think of a
photo shoot you know you’re stepping
into the unknown into the abyss so I’m
sure creative people in particular
probably struggle with so any advice for
these guys in invert the sea of
self-doubt I think there’s a lot of
self-confidence because that I think
what what forces you
who is a creative person is it is this
balance between incredible probably too
much belief in yourself you know but
overly you sort of so confident in a way
parallel absolutely alongside incredible
self questioning and self-doubt and it
it’s the battle between the two of them
that often creates you know a brilliant
a brilliant moment of imagination so I
don’t want to take yourself doubt obey
because I think it’s actually quite a
creative means that as a creative
process probably but I think of it if
you’re young any young people here you
know maybe this is the first time you’re
here and you’re terrified that you won’t
okay you know just take that and I know
that I’m you know view will know this
stuff anyway but you take that as a as a
moment of them you know them
I’m going to do so much
this is the person this is why we love
the let me Rosario yes
fuel is talking about fuel yes appeal
just need a bit of a fat man yeah yeah
yeah all right on that note so a little
bit more about I would say the diversity
of this piece because I think that’s a
huge huge element back to authenticity
were talking about authenticity and
doing things that are real and actually
walking the talk how how carefully did
you select these different people how
did how did it happen how did the
creativity lead to this group because
this group is incredibly interesting and
they’re all right I guess it was about
you know it’s an alchemy and making sure
you know we were creating celebrating
diversity as much as we wanted in terms
of profiles backgrounds and I guess the
most important for for us was to to have
this truth and the emotion and stories
that were sharing without and you know
we met with a lot of people but we
needed this this you seen the video
before this moment we like the wall I
can relate to that
she’s so strong this is so powerful and
all of those guys of impressive stories
and this is really what touched us and
that’s why I chose them because
ultimately you know this is what relate
to people and this is what will get
people engage with the campaign is the
truth behind of stories and and again
because one might think you know that
famous so they’re powerful actually
they’ve been to a really longer coming
such huge obstacles this is not just a
normal obstacle of waking up in the
morning being a bit insecure is it
having assets thrown in your beautiful
face and having to overcome that and
absolutely inspirational you know and an
incredible a sense of their ability and
humidity when you when you
when you listen to them and you say well
I thought I had self that but you know
it could be much worse than that and and
also the way we we see the campaign is
that we imagine like the young people
who are going to go through the the
program were progressively coming to the
campaign and tell us their story and how
the program and the self confidence
program has changed their life and
allowed them you know to to overcome
self-doubt so it’s it’s really first of
all if the long-term partnership is not
a one-hit wonder we’ll do a campaign and
we go away it’s it’s real it’s a
partnership and the stories will will
evolve I want to integrate those young
people as it goes and this thing we talk
about it as a journey
I’m self-doubt – self-worth does it ever
stop this journey
no can you share a couple examples of
maybe your own moments Oh
many people don’t believe that you have
any self doubt when I’m a good actress
honestly it looks like you know what
it’s all about really is acting just
affect your way through it and also
incredibly important to remember that
you’re not the only one you are not the
only one all of these people have
differently bit not at this very moment
in time but at different times are going
to suffer great self doubt and
insecurity and I think the other thing
that I learned sort of earlier on
especially when you’re young and you’re
so up your own bum you know about
yourself and then learning no the
world’s not all about you and your
insecurities and your lack of self-worth
it’s not all about that actually look
outside of yourself and and it just be
more less bloody egotistic really
because you know sort of the lack of
security and self-doubt can actually
become conversely a kind of an what’s
the word a sort of self obsession and to
be outward and to be give yourself to
other people as opposed to sort of being
constantly thinking about themselves
I think women in particular you won’t
miss incidentally it’s a generalization
maybe you could I think women in
particular do suffering that anybody
just realize that the world’s not all
about you you know and sure you’re
insecure but so what does everybody say
what get on with it in her slightly
British but now we partake at a naked
sorry take it take it and you make it
really matter
exactly many to respond to your question
as well you know so paralyzation soft
well you know it’s a quest can be sensed
like you know I’m commander Gary and I’m
going to throw the weigh-in for the rest
of my life no one is ever perfect you
know and I always about what’s next
what’s going to you know take you
outside the color blue and how you’re
going to improve your
what new thing are you going to deliver
you know so it’s a journey it’s just a
quite a drive you’ve read life it is a
worm in the brain yes it is a worm you
know stop borrowing its way into your
brain questioning questioning absolutely
it it helps me as soon as I’m not
working the minute I’m not working I get
rapped with insecurity and and Who am I
what am I you know
have I done any know you Alan you’re
lookin useless in all that sort of stuff
and but anyway it’s it’s a worm in the
brain and as Adrian says it’s and it’s
an ongoing process I think till the day
you die probably you know I don’t think
any of us really are ever absolutely
free of it but it’s particularly
debilitating and painful and useless in
the young and you just have to get them
through that I mean I thought another
great campaign which was in America
which which was it gets better
the it’s get better it gets better
campaign um I’m sure you’re probably all
aware of this but this is a campaign in
America for young gay kids growing up in
small towns in America where it is
completely unacceptable to be gay on any
level whatsoever and they get tortured
or bullet horrendously and there’s this
Internet campaign just reaching out to
them saying don’t worry it gets better
just get through this and that’s another
great campaign I think so it’s hold on
crayon just hang on if you’re gone yeah
why why do you think this is we
mentioned something so I’ll go back to
it why do you think this is more of an
issue for women I don’t know and I don’t
know the time right yeah and maybe I’m
only saying that because I’m a woman but
it’s and I hate to generalize about
anyone really but I think women have a
tendency to look in and men have a
tendency to look out and go okay what do
and just look forward and
doo-doo-doo-doo and women could you note
start retreating but that might be a
terrible generalization I don’t want to
sort of be helped to that anybody yeah I
might agree with you a little bit on
that one
he Adrian how how is this doing so far
what in and what’s next what’s what’s
the future of this so as I said it’s a
living campaign so we launched in
separate the campaign and the
partnership the feedback has been
absolutely amazing and a lot of
consumers or you know people have I’ve
seen I get to a different face of Loreal
and what what we’re here for and it was
a very important part the modem that
we’re actually helping young people so
the group too softly the workshops of
started across the UK and all the
printed stress centers we helped more
than 100 young people and the feedback
has been overwhelming overwhelmingly
positive story so we we’re taking other
learnings of the workshops of their
there happening and we are the hundreds
we want to good 10,000 young people fish
at the beginning and really making sure
this is a lifestyle transformative
experience the way we were also
animating the campaign is that we’re
really supporting the princess trust in
their online journey so we’re going to
help a lot of young people in the
centres but because the trust only has
18 centers in the UK not every young
people we struggle has a central next to
them we’re going to do a very big online
mentoring and coaching program as well
to really make sure we can reach more
young people and have something that is
as virtual as we all depending on what
you can do and where you live so yeah
it’s it’s a program that’s alive it’s
there for the long term and as I said we
really want this campaign to be dynamic
and integrating the story of stories of
this young people have been through the
campaign right so I’ve been staring at
your touch
a little bit sorry though but I have
been a little bit can you share with
everybody the story behind this oh yes I
was very drunk I was I was on an Indian
Reservation in Minnesota and it was that
I got my tattoo here it is when only
Taylors and Hells Angels had tattoos and
so it was compassionate yes at all we
like so unfashionable but I I kind of
wanted to attach you because I just done
some work in a prison and the prisoners
had tattoo is that kind of rather
beautiful so I kind of wanted to tattoo
and the American Indians tattoos
themselves and quite a lot and quite
casually I was in the right place and
and someone told me about this sign I
thought what should I have you know and
someone told me about this sign which is
it that means in locket in love cash
which is a South American Indian maybe
my own understanding of human life which
is someone can be as completely
different from you as you can possibly
imagine but have equal value to you and
that’s why it’s two sort of interlocking
so I cut my finger the other day
interlocking these like this equal and
opposite it’s kind of yin and yang but
not in the sense of balance but just
you’re completely different
you have different values you have
different everything I have to give you
equal value I mean different value you
have to give you equal you what you are
equal to me it doesn’t matter how
different you are from me quite a
different it’s quite a difficult
anything you grasp especially for me
personally when I’m dealing with people
I recognize I have to recognize their
need and their fear and their pain and
their and why they went in that
direction and gives them absolute equal
value to whatever I represent so it you
know it can be challenging but I do
believe it I do believe it and I still
do it all these years later and
different perspectives very similar to
this and of course very very similar the
world or only caught up with my tattoos
Lauria actually the competitive idiots
tattoo creative inspiration so he can
come from anywhere
so final thought any final thoughts that
can be advice you would give this
audience it could be a mission you give
them it could be anything any final
thoughts for this esteemed creative
group that we have here
Asian no I guess I mean the final
thought would be around of the fact that
and believe me I love ever tithing but
you know you need to walk the talk and
you need to deliver because doing
beautiful campaigns powerful campaigns
is fine and they can change to some
extend the world but it’s definitely not
enough so more of a call to the brand or
the advertisers like what are you going
to do about it how are you going to make
a difference very fine to the campaigns
and we hold all of that here the first
one to be excited than an advertising
moving of campaign but what are you
going to do to make a difference
excellent thank you and any advice from
you no I would absolutely support yes
words completely you know it’s it’s such
a complex world that we all live in now
we are exposed on such a
mega level to information to heartache
to pain to suffering to violence you
know it’s no longer you know the
printing and newspaper it’s an image on
a screen that we are blasted with every
day whatever it is you know them the
battle for Mosel or immigrants to fine
desperately falling off a boat trying to
survive these incredible images on at us
every day and it’s that’s the real world
that your audience your client whatever
the word what you call it consumers your
consumer yeah that’s what your consumers
live in they live in that very real very
visceral very painful very emotional
world and I would say communicate with
that world yes as much as you can in
whatever way you can because I think the
public out there will will take that on
board yeah I think they well I think I
think they’re asking for it in the way
especially especially the young yes
especially the young yes they’re seeking
meaning yeah sure yeah I just want to
thank both of you so much thank you to
Adrian to tell the story behind the
story which is really I think helpful
for everybody and Dame Helen Mirren
thank you so much for joining me thank
you [Applause]

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