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Arnold Schwarzenegger: The Terminator is Battling for a Fit Society in a Clean Environment.

first of all let me just say Klaus dead
I’m very happy number one that I’m
sitting here with you and I’m not the
only one with an accent pretty shirt is
it’s a very different world as you know
and you can relate to that when you come
over here and you have learned English
in school and all of a sudden you know
everything kind of it’s different in
reality I remember when I explained to
someone when I came over here I said
just read the story that this woman took
the knife and the knife and killed the
guy and then the guy said the missus no
it’s not a knife
we don’t use the K let me say it again
the woman took the knife and killed the
guy anyway to answer your question about
the Paris agreement I think the Paris
agreement was really a great great
accomplishment and we all were very
enthusiastic about it but as you know
there’s always two different stories one
is is a plan and it is a plan right now
a plan to go and reduce greenhouse gases
in a worldwide and the next thing is is
you know what kind of work and what kind
of a system is being used to reduce the
greenhouse gases worldwide because in
California here we when we make a
commitment for instance when we said
we’re gonna go and reduce our greenhouse
gases per 25 percent we are actually
ahead of target and you know with our
renewables in California and with our
reduction in greenhouse gases so but we
have an air resources port here so that
yeah resources port is then responsible
for really make it happen and it’s kind
of like you know not a political kind of
a port if they only look at getting the
work done that’s the important thing so
I don’t know how every country functions
and how every country is going to make
their commitments become a reality
but there was a great commitment and I
key thing is to not forget in the tour
this ban ki-moon you know for years that
you can have all the agreements that you
want and a national level and you have
this international agreement but don’t
forget the sub-national governments
because sub-national governments like
States and provinces and cities if
neighbors they are really the one in
charge of reducing greenhouse gases they
have an effect seventy percent of the
greenhouse gas reductions is really
happening in a local level and this is
why it is important to include
sub-national governments that’s why we
created the night went out of office the
r20 which is a environmental
organization that specializes
specifically in sub-national governments
and in a power of sub-national
governments and it just shows California
is a perfect example of that of what
kind of power that we have I mean we
have made commitments here we have the
strongest environmental laws which is
really so beneficial for the whole
United States and also the world and we
did all that because we had a great
vision and it was not easy because
during the the time I was governor
during the Bush administration I
remember we had there someone that was
the head of the Environmental Protection
Agency the EPA in Washington who claimed
that we cannot really control our own
destiny when it comes to the environment
because when we talk about reducing
greenhouse gases cleanest gases is not
really I’m not really a pollutant now
think about this for a second this is
the head of the EPA in Washington saying
greenhouse gases is not a pollutant and
therefore we do not have the right to
really control our own air and so we had
to take them to court and we went all
the way up to the Supreme Court of the
United States in the Supreme Court of
the United States said yes greenhouse
gases is a pollutant a pollutant so I
mean how much brain power does it take
to figure that one out I mean in other
normal circumstances I would have done
it simpler and there is I would have
just had someone go into a room turn on
a car and lock that person inside them
to see and
what point will he tap out to figure out
that yes greenhouse gases are pollutant
you know so this is but this the kind of
the power that we had the state of
California won against the United States
government and we therefore could
control our own ear and our own
environment and so we want to let the
world know the power that sub-national
governments have and how much action
they can create it make them also
responsible the cities in the States and
the provinces all over the world mcdhh
embers are responsible to help the
United Nations and to help countries
around the world achieve their goal
that’s what it’s all about so I think
that it can be done but you know I’m
always a very positive guy but because
you have to be now because as you know
when you come from sports and most of my
lessons are from sports and so you know
in weightlifting I’ve learned very
quickly that the only way that you can
lift the weight is if you believe you
can lift it if you go and you have a
weightlifting competition if you go out
in front of thousands of people and the
weight is here 400 pounds let’s say if
you look at them you say I can never
lift that it’s not gonna go up there by
itself trust me
so you got to go and say to yourself I’m
gonna lift this weight no matter what
you know because this the only chance
you have to really get it over your head
and the same is with this with
environmental crusade it’s the same
thing you’ve got to go and believe that
we can do it because then we can do it
if people are around they’re whining
eyes I just came up with a t-shirt that
said stop whining because there’s people
that whine and it always complain while
you know there’s oil companies that
they’re polluting the world and this car
company said Tarawa this is terrible and
that itself will stop whining stop
whining and go and get off your chair
and do something about it it’s all about
action the winding is not gonna help you
I don’t like when people sit in front of
the television and just whine and say oh
this is terrible and this is terrible no
go out and do something about it that’s
what it’s all about and then we can do
it because it’s all people power it’s
not government power it’s people power
you know the way we were gonna go and
accomplish this whole thing house is by
people power
I mean it’s no different than you know
the way we were created you know kind of
the situation in South Africa there was
you know the end
Partridge movement didn’t come from a
capital that came from people power in
the our independence an Indian
independence movement came from people
you know our you know the the right to
vote for women came from people power
all of those kind of movements you know
came from people not from government and
not from capitals and the same would be
I think with environmental movement it
will come from people power and they
from the ground up and then also from
the United Nations and the agreement
that they have worldwide from the top
down and when those two meet then then
you have critical mass I’m not I were to
adhere its people power
it’s a top-down bottom-up but it’s also
innovation power of companies I I feel
that the objectives to centigrades can
only be achieved if you use all the
potential of modern technologies of see
new technologies we have for example
like distributed like electricity grates
and so on what would you tell us is a
business leaders here well i bility is
you’re absolutely correct and this is
why we pushed here for instance in
california always the laws so that to
make companies responsible and to go in
that direction I remember when the
flat-screen TV came out it used a lot of
energy and then eventually we passed
laws to reduce this the energy and then
they reduced it down to 20% of what it
used to be and the same is with cars I
mean look at when you see now electric
cars operating and driving on the road
they’d use really very little pollution
just when you charge up in California
very little because simply because we
have so much renewable energy already
and we’re almost at 50% so you have an
advantage here but I mean technology and
and will save us all and this is why I
said always that this is all part of
that people the movement because it’s
government alone is never able to do it
by themselves I’ve seen that firsthand
when I was governor as government you
and you can lead but the industries also
have to lead and they have to work
together with industries you have to
work together with you know people and
and you have to create laws that get in
a certain direction and we have really
done well here and I think there’s a lot
of countries around the world that are
doing really well with the laws that
they passed to create electric cars and
to create the technology to reduce
energy in orders because there’s so much
room for reduction of energy usage and
so I think that the corporate world can
do wonders for that and of course I
think that there’s a lot of companies
also that are doing really great job in
reducing greenhouse gases as you know
for instance apertures came out and
they’ve you know said that their
worldwide operation is now powered by
100 percent of renewables so this is
really fantastic news the same is with
the Walmart they just came out and they
have the Giga ton a project where
they’re gonna go and produce by 2030 I
think a billion tons of emission so
these are kind of really great great
projects and great moves in the private
sector that was working together with
the public sector and I think that’s the
way we’re gonna get it done and such
exactly as the philosophy of the World
Economic Forum such a big challenges
cannot be solved by governments alone or
business alone a civil society alone we
need cooperation right absolutely
now and that’s why I said they we have
to stress the power of self national
governments because if governments think
that they can the national government
can prepare themselves it won’t happen
and the same is when it comes to
communication I think it is very
important that environmentalists and
people that want to go in that direction
start communicating better about this
issue because you cannot go and convince
people to be part of a movement when you
talk always about what will happen down
the line
so when you talk about it down the line
there will be the rise of sea level down
to Ryan there will be in the melting of
icebergs down the line the ice the polar
bear will not be able to jump from here
to there not off this kind of stuff and
the temperatures will increase down the
line the human brain does not really you
know kind of deal with that down the
line of what will happen in twenty years
from now that well so I think that the
environmentalists are making a big
mistake in everyone most of the people
that communicate about environment make
a huge mistake by always talking about
you know those kind of issues of what
happens in the future people don’t care
what happens in the future as much as
people care about what happens today and
the day is so much happening when you
tell people that the day nine out of ten
people are breathing polluted air the
day seven to nine million people die
every year of pollution that’s the day
27,000 people while we are speaking here
today while this conference is going on
today today so that is what we need to
talk about think about 7 to 9 million
people depending if you include you know
into a pollution and I get out the
pollution abatement these are numbers we
talking about three times as much as
hiv/aids tuberculosis and malaria
combined dying from pollution 15 times
as much as all wars in the world and as
all homicides suicides and violence
people die from through some form of
violence all come have 15 times as much
a dying from pollutions so those are
staggering numbers in the you know you
hear presidents talk about in the State
of the Union address about you know they
varmint they never mention how many
people are dying they always talk about
the polar bear and the iceberg in the
business that in temperatures rising in
the future but no one talks about the
day what
happen the day their mouth the people
did the dying because of cancer they
died because of pollution is
unbelievable and this is why again it is
important to communicate the right way
because I know that you know I’ve been
on the fitness crusade my whole life but
it was all about learning how to
communicate see people get interested in
fitness and that they thought in the old
days when it when you show a guy on a
muscle magazine and with their huge
muscles that that will get people
interested now there’s only four small
percentage of people that are interested
the bodybuilding they want to compete
but the majority people just want to be
fit so you have to kind of communicate
in a different way to get people
involved in the fitness crusade in the
same results that we think by our mental
crusade we got to communicate
differently and talked about the kind of
things that happen in the day and the
amount of people that are dying and
suffering and cans and often stuff today
because of pollution that should be our
motivating thing a vehicle why we should
do something about it and why we should
go in another direction why we should go
get off fossil fuels because fossil
fuels kill that’s what we figured out in
the last hundred years they kill and so
the only answer to that is is clean and
a cheap green energy that’s where the
action is decimate the future is not we
we talk about clean energy but I know
particularly estate is very much
sometimes suffering from water shortage
some people would say to me
Sir Walter kaisers maybe the key crisis
coming up how do you feel about it you
you have confronted such crisis quite
often the answers isn’t this as
wearisome as pollution well what makes
it a crisis is only when people don’t
act you know in California this is the
perfect example of that we know that
every 10 or 15 years we have a drought
so you can prepare for that drought but
the amount as soon as the drought goes
later everyone forgot forgets talking
about building another dam or some
recive was something where you can do
some water storage or local water
you know I think that we’ve talked about
it some ever my chief of staff is right
here that was my chief of staff for many
years Susan Kennedy in frontier
she became kind of the water expert
Susan you want to get up for a second
just yeah but she knows that we have
really always been negotiated and tried
to build you know kind of small
reservoirs and the water storage even
when build people build homes that if
they own water storage like we had when
I grew up in Austria and that the
companies have their own water storage
sports places have their water storage
so you don’t have to use the water at
the drinking water and to then recycle
water and all this stuff but as soon as
it the the problem goes away
people don’t have that urgency and so we
wait until the next drought then we wait
until the next drought and so every year
every time there’s a drought it really
devastates people and then we have to
pull back and the amount of water usage
and all that stuff so in California it’s
a different thing we we know that with
agriculture this is our one of our top
industries that create a lot of money
first and people continue thriving and
continue promoting the idea of having
agriculture in California even though
it’s just a big desert land but it’s all
about managing the water at the right
way Susan will remember that I tried to
fix the levees in California and so
there was one of the first things that I
meant to the legislators with the said
look our levees we have 23 hundred miles
of levees in California they deliver
water all over the state the Central
Valley and everywhere it was farming
people don’t know that they did a bit
more levees in bog water canals than
Holland has but they were very fragile
those levees so an earthquake could wipe
them out so I said let’s strengthen the
levees let’s build and rebuild some of
those levees we need four-point-nine
in Dallas to do that the legislators
left then as soon as Katrina happened
they came down to our office they said
what was this about the levees again I
said we should rebuild our levees hello
and then they said I think we should do
it and that’s when we got the money and
then we could do it so this is it’s
important you got to go and plan those
things way in advance and you got to
create the action and not just stop
thinking about it that’s because it’s
not urgent because maybe it takes
another 10 years though the next
outcomes I think what your set contains
also another message see answer to big
problems is not always a big solution
but many small solution taking us a
tight an undertaking that’s a night
that’s already yeah yeah now you you use
the world and I know you are synonymous
with fitness how would you actually
define fitness lord how do i define it
yeah I think that everyone is obviously
their own definition I think that is if
it is there when your heart is fit when
your longest fit when your body’s fit in
your total body I’m talking about is fit
meaning that you can you know hike that
you can lift that you can swim that you
can do all-around sports very well I
mean that’s being you know fit and you
know it’s we’re not talking here about
needing to compete what the win
championships that’s again for a whole
other group of people they use this as a
motivation they compete in the local
kind of triathlon or the tech decathlon
that all those kind of competitions but
I think that it should be the goal for
everybody to be fit and to exercise
every day I couldn’t agree more
Raziel but to end our discussion
I love you you you created a Institute I
think it’s called
the thousand California universities yes
what what do you aim at missus I think
you even have some kind of relation with
Geneva versus Israel could you explain
what what you what you a mattress
Institute and how we could possibly
support you and you are undertaking
well Klaus I expect nothing less but
thank you very much for thinking about
that but the – what snake Institute was
created together with USC and we created
it in order to continue on some of the
projects that we started here in the
California during the time I was
governor you know you never can finish
everything it’s an ongoing battle some
of those things like for instance good
government political reform I’m a big
believer in political reform like we
created during the time I was governor
you know the open primary system that
you have now and also we did the
redistricting reform it took us a la a
long time we lost four or five times
getting there but then eventually we won
and like I said it’s always very hard to
make those changes but we did make the
changes and we created an independent
Redistricting Commission to draw the
district lines and draw them fear so
that we have Democrats and Republicans
kind of together in some of those
districts and sometimes it’s what
Democratic some more sometimes more
Republican but the way they used to be
drawn was to give a little public and
separate from the Democrats and
Democrats several and so therefore in
order to win you had to be and the
Democratic side way to the left and on
the Republican side way to the right and
so in California because of
redistricting our legislature even
a majority of Democrats it functions
really well because the Democrats have
come much more to dissent and the
Republicans have come more to the center
and those who are not don’t win
so does that the Republic instead of
doing on his goofy talk and right-wing
talk can’t win in California because the
way you know the system works so you
know people have to be in the center in
order to really win here and this is
what the bottom line is will be try to
accomplish in the same resource of with
health care reform we were the first
ones to really try health care reform
way before Obama ever tried to do it and
before he came into office we failed
because the Democrats didn’t really like
me I think as a Republican to have a
victory there and to have health care
reform as a Republican but I think that
we almost were there and so we want to
continue on at the Institute to talk
about health care reform and how do we
go and make sure that every American is
insured you know so we talk about that
so it’s a it’s about infrastructure also
it’s another passion of mine to build
infrastructure it’s very important
America has fallen way behind when it
comes to building infrastructure and
every president always in the promises
that they will build infrastructure
which is so important in order for our
economy to really you know increase in
action and you know it seems to me that
no one really understands it that well
and to be passionate about it I mean I
remember Obama talked about the
infrastructure and he asked me to come
back to the White House and have
meetings with experts that were
passionate about infrastructure
including myself because we in
California we built 60 billion dollars
of infrastructure in the times that I
was a governor it was a maverick the
ten-year program and you know and people
want to do it in the national level but
they just can’t get their act together
of how did the finances how do we need
to get the money how did you do the
public-private partnership and you can
see with President Trump now is doing
the same thing I have not seen him talk
anymore about infrastructure the way he
talked about on the campaign trail so
I’m curious about what’s going to happen
but we need it we in California did it
until our Institute deals with DeRosa
what does it take for us as a nation to
come together and to build
infrastructure so those are the kind of
issues that we are talking about there
the Institute after-school programs is
one of my passions also to create
after-school programs so we have a lot
of events there but after-school
programs and how do we make sure that
the federal government keeps the budget
keeps the 1.2 billion dollars in the
budget for after-school programs so I go
back to many times and lobby Congress
and the White House to get to keep the
money in there and we were successful so
far to keep in India through three
administrations through the Bush
administration Obama administration
another Trump administration they all
wanted to take out the after-school
program money and we went back there and
lobbied and we kept it in so that we can
make sure that the children that don’t
have parents at home in the afternoon
because both of the parents are working
have a place to go to do their homework
to get tutoring sports and fitness
programs and arts and music and orders
kind of things and keep them off the
streets because when kids go on the
streets they get into trouble so
after-school programs helps kids to or
helps our neighborhoods cities and
states to reduce juvenile crime teenage
pregnancy and gets the performance up in
education in order sing so we are also
dealing with those issues at the USC
Schwarzenegger Institute great
admiration for what you are doing and
thank you very much thank you [Applause]

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