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What is Philosophy for?

“What is the purpose of philosophy?”
Philosophical science seems strange and boring …
– but at the same time – interesting.
But what is the purpose of philosophy?
This question can be answered by looking at the same word.
In Greek, “Philo” means love, and “sophia” means wisdom.
Philosophers are people who devoted their lives to wisdom,
Wisdom means trying to live a good life and death is a good death.
Philosophers developed a set of specific skills in their constant pursuit of wisdom,
For generations, philosophers have become well versed in overcoming them
Beliefs that make other people lacking wisdom, notably:
“1. Do not ask big questions.”
We are surrounded by the big questions: What is the meaning of life?
What is the purpose of the work? How can the community be rearranged?
Many of us ask these questions to themselves, but often we despair of
Try to answer them, and some of us like these questions jokes
Because the concepts are ambiguous, but these questions are very important,
Only by finding an answer can we effectively channel our energies into our lives.
Philosophers are people who do not fear asking big questions, throughout the ages
They asked the biggest questions and noted that it would be better to divide them into easier answers
The arrogance is to avoid asking nonsensical questions.
“2. We are liable to make illogical errors.”
Public opinion – or what some call “common sense” – is logical
And rational in several areas, which is what you hear from your friends
And your neighbors, those views that you accept without thinking about them, but
This common sense is often full of mistakes and misgivings.
The science of philosophy urges us to subject public opinion to logic and to reflect on it.
A bankrupt pays the individual to think about himself: Do people tell him about love
Money, children, travel, real work? Philosophers are interested in asking about
The logical extent of an idea, rather than just taking it for a long-time common idea.
“Our minds are confused.”
We do not always know what is going on in our minds.
Sometimes we meet someone who is annoying but we do not know exactly what is bothering him.
Sometimes we lose our temper without being able to define what irritated our anger.
We also do not know what we like or hate exactly.
That is why we have to delve deeper into ourselves and explore our minds. Philosophy is concerned
With self-exploration, Socrates, one of the earliest and greatest philosophers,
On this principle in two words:
“know yourself”.
“4. We do not know exactly what we are happy about.”
We do not make ourselves happy, we exaggerate some things
Thinking that they are improving our lives – and underestimating other things.
We make false choices influenced by deceptive advertising and fake charms,
Assuming that a certain type of leave or
Cars or computers will make a big difference in our lives.
At the same time, we do not value the importance of other things,
As well as his ability to improve our personality and adjust our mood.
Philosophers seek wisdom by defining
Activities and behaviors that have a beneficial impact on their lives.
“5. Do not think logically when we panic.”
Philosophers maintain their awareness of important and unimportant things in their lives.
After telling him that the ship carrying all his belongings
Drowned, said the philosopher Zeno Zeno:
“My wealth did not respond to my journey in philosophy.”
Such responses have made the word “Philosophical” synonymous with arrogance, meditation in thinking, the power of reason,
In short, a logical view.
In modern times, we recognize the principle of philosophical wisdom of books,
But earlier, philosophers were sitting in the marketplace to discuss their ideas with vendors,
They also go to government offices and palaces to give tips,
It was not strange to pay part of his salary to one of the philosophers.
Philosophy was seen as a natural activity in everyday life,
Rather than seeing it as a strange activity limited to a few or as an optional activity.
Today, we can not deny the fact that we miss the associations seeking
To employ wisdom on the ground. But in the future
When the true value of philosophy is clarified, the situation may change,
And so we can expect the emergence of more philosophers, philosophers
They do not isolate themselves in university colleges, philosophers estimate that
Wisdom let people down in different situations and they know the importance of this
The problem calls for our urgent attention.
Translation: team translate “autarjim @”.
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