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SOCIOLOGY – Theodor Adorno

Theodore Wengerand Adorno was born in Frankfurt in 1903
For a rich and educated family
His father, a wine seller, was of Jewish origin but had to switch to a Protestant university time
Until 20 years Adorno planned to be a musical composer. But in the end he concentrated
On philosophy
In 1934, he was banned from teaching in Germany on racial grounds
He moved to Oxford and then to New York and then to Los Angeles
He was surprised by California’s consumption culture
And analyzed the unprecedented depth of time wasted to acquire a bronze color and drive
Adorno has been closely associated with a leading social research institution
Also known as the “Frankfurt School” which was established and funded by his friend
Felix Will. The Corporation aims to develop
Psychological understanding of problems
Which I brought to our modern capitalist world, especially the culture and mentality it generated
Adorno has drawn attention to three ways, which capitalism uses to corrupt us.
The shift of leisure time to a toxic order
Adorno believed that the primary focus
Progressive philosophers must have a study
How to transform the thinking of the working class and the middle of the developed nations
For the time they spend in their evenings and weekly holidays
Adorno had a very ambitious vision of how to use leisure time
It was neither relaxing nor detachable from the world
The vacuum is supposed to be our first chance
In order to expand and develop from ourselves for the better
And to acquire tools that can change society
It is the time when we can see films that help us to understand our relationships and ourselves with some clarity
Or reading books that illustrate new political concepts
Or listening to music gives us courage and strength to evaluate ourselves and society
But in the modern world, Adorno sighs at leisure
Has fallen into the hands of the machines of entertainment is very deceptive called culture industry.
Modern films, television, radio, magazines, and now with specially designed social media
To keep us dispersed, unable to understand ourselves and without the ability to change the political reality
For example, news is full of trhat and political stories
Which refutes any possibility of understanding this open prison in which we live
Cinema that shows us the adventures of a space invasion
While the real calamities of our world go unchecked
Pop music focuses on emotions centered on romantic love
Suggested that happiness comes only when meeting this very distinguished person
Rather than directing us to the beauty of meeting the needs of society and the distribution of compassion
We walk around the private art museums unaware of what the exhibits mean and we did not really care
The cultural industry likes to keep us that way
Scattered, troubled, and we have a dread
Adorno described Walt Disney as the most step-man in America …
Capitalism does not sell us the things we really need
Because of the wide range
Of consumer goods found in modern capitalism
Assume that whatever we want, is available.
The only problem is
In the inability to afford the expenses
But Adorno wanted to draw our attention to our true desires
Carefully hidden away from us by the capitalist industry
In order to constantly forget what we really want and settle in pre-made desires for us
By bodies that do not aspire to our own care but for their own benefit
Even though we live in a world full of goods
But all we really aspire to is
Compassion, communication, tranquility, thinking and society.
We suffer from a severe shortage of these sentimental supplies that are completely separate from the economy
When they want to sell something, marketers show us a feeling we really want
And bring him a commodity that we do not really need
We see an ad showing us a group of friends
They walk on the beach holding their beaks
Or a family strolling and laughing together warmly
These ads show us these things because they know
We want to always communicate and to be in a community
But the industrial economy prefers to keep us single consumers
So that we can go at the end of the ad
To buy a bottle of whiskey aged from 25 years
Or a car so powerful that no road can allow us to drive it at its highest speed
There are fascists everywhere
Adorno was writing
On the psychological questionnaire
Which is heavily diffused in the United States where they try to measure
Consumerism and business behavior
This concept of this kind of questionnaire was very encouraging
So, with the help of some of his colleagues, they decided to design another kind of psychological questionnaires
One is specifically designed to identify fascists
This questionnaire, which he designed, asked the participants to state their degree of agreement to such statements
“Obedience and respect for power are the two most important virtues that children must learn”
“If more people work and talk less, everyone will be in the best shape”
“When an individual has a problem or a concern, it is better not to think about it
And stay busy with things more fun and joy “
In view of the shock that is still at this time Germany is emerging from it
It was no surprise that Adorno was trying to make this questionnaire
Which draws attention to the so-called fascist measure.
His team sent this questionnaire to most schools in West Germany
The lesson we learn from this experience
Is that psychology comes before politics much
Adorno thought that if one terrorized homosexuality, racial or authoritarian
He is more likely to suffer from mental illness or immaturity
A good society is supposed to treat this kind of disease and develop solutions
Rather than leaving individuals suffering and dealing with these diseases
To the extent that the rest of the people face difficulty in dealing with them without using
Violence. You must learn to understand
Since the first moments madness of daily life
Adorno was a leftist thinker, I think
The first obstacles to any social progress
It can be cultural or psychological to be economic or political
We already have money, resources, time and skill
Which reassures us that everyone can sleep in a house
Depends on the destruction of the planet
He has just work and feels empowered by society
So the reason for it
We continue to suffer and hurt each other
It is first and foremost that our minds are sick
This is a continuous interpretation
Who introduced us to the work of the quietly angry Theodore Adorno
Thank you very much for watching!
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