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Love Me for Who I Really Am

Our culture is strongly tilted to the point of view
That true love must include
Full acceptance by the other person, in good
And in particular in a fairly bad science
In moments of anger with our partners
We can tend to reject their complaints against us with tears
Just love me as I am
But really none of us should mention
Adjust as we are with love
And therefore neither of us should strongly
Someone else wants to love, on the contrary
Tolerance or simply forgiving
What distorted Hua inside us
True love can be known as kindness and tenderness
To help someone to become
Best copy of themselves
Not accepting themselves as they are specifically high
Not betraying someone’s love to try
Help us develop
And our education to become the best people
In fact it can be a top directory
In real commitment
Unfortunately under the influence
The romantic ideologies are so similar
In the cultural education, we are more
That teachers are tired and equal
Students and relationships tired
We do not remove legitimacy, let alone
Nobility in other desires to learn us
We can not recognize the areas
Where we may need to be educated
We rebelled against the temple itself following the teachings of the beloved
They can enable criticism to form
In the lessons of sound and reasonable to be heard
Such as care attempts to reject
The most disturbing aspects of our personalities
The first sign that the other person depends
Teacher Lee Toon, we tend to suppose
We are being attacked and betrayed
And the following
We close our ears to the instructions that interact
With the irony and aggression of the teacher
Our position is deeply understood to the mother
All about her delightful little baby
They do not want to change even
The smallest stuff
Their baby is just as beautiful as it seems
Our idea of ​​love has got this kind
From the road, to the point of the heartbeat
We grow up thinking that love must
Be as it should be
The suggestion is that someone else can want us to change
Growth or development
This is an insult to love
The problem really never really liked us
As we used to look like
She hoped we would continue
We continue to grow, the need for big
Stay there
Our bodies can be fully formed
But our psychics always have something they want to grow
We do not have to hold that against our loved ones
If they do not like us as we do
They do something more than generosity
They wait for us to be a little better
Love me as I am
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