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Know Yourself: A New School of Life Series!

well I guess what I’m looking for is
someone just to love someone will
appreciate me for me I’m getting sick of
doing the wrong kind of guy yeah I just
wondered a few fancies meeting up hang
out yeah yeah sure I could yeah I could
do that I really love Jason and he’s the
man I want to spend the rest of my life
with capitalism has taught us that
lovers are objects we own rather than
gifts we could share I love how
comforting she is as a person you went
back to him you don’t even finish the
story why did you stop there did you
I’m realizing more and more about why I
am the way I am from when I was really
little and I could hear my mom and dad
arguing like about money or something
god mom it’s not the Middle Ages
it’s just good to have someone to
actually talk to about how you feel it
what is my destiny as a finite human
being in this mysterious universe should
I put the telly on
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