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Is It Better to Be Single?

she is back on the market well he’s
broken up with really yeah yeah I met
her for a coffee today and last week she
just told Dave it was all over but as I
out of the blue yeah so what is that you
do exactly it’s brain surgery
technically but more specifically
precoital imaging analysis basically
repairs the neural pathways that are
damaged when someone has a stroke
that’s incredible it’s very absorbing
but I never let it fully distract me
from my true hobbies cooking Sicilian
food especially seafood and also
advocating for human rights in
sub-saharan Africa
Oh God oh my god that was that was
really good
amazing I’m sorry about making you come
three times I don’t think that’s
you should apologize for that do you
want to maybe do it again you have it in
you I think so
send it been five times time a charm
basically I just feel like you know
through adolescence there was no one who
might particularly got me you know
especially after dad got sick so moving
why we should be there to look after you
for the same way about you
so what is it that you enjoy enjoy
I don’t enjoy much but I’m quite
compelled by certain things so what what
compels you
I’m fascinated by life on the planet
after a new catechism life there
wouldn’t be much of it of course bitter
slow disintegration of the larger
mammals mass human extinction pollution
of all major water sources fatal gamma
doses eventual disappearance of
everything but small reptiles and
insects because of a buildup of Radio
isotopes should we that’s it for me what
do you I mean like for now are we gonna
maybe later
certainly for now okay great
so mmm you and Jason are gonna go away
yes he’s booked tickets degrees because
yeah a couple of his friends from the
rock climbing club mm-hmm so we’re gonna
go hiking enough oh my god that’s gonna
be amazing
yeah be really nice hey how about you
are you gonna go on that big trip I
really thought it’s just amazing like
you could just just start from scratch
and make an amazing night in eree
cuz I don’t know what you’re thinking
about you go all the way down the East
Coast I could do oh my god and you’re
gonna be so many people do you think you
might go with Joey what dead legs you’re
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