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How to Save Love with Pessimism

It’s easy to be pessimistic about a lot of things
Place the planet
The future of humanity
Yet there is one region where many of us retain a strange sense of optimism
We have faith that among millions of our fellow human beings abroad,
Someday we will be able to locate a very special person, a unique object fully in proportion to us
Moods, tastes and aspirations; someone will make us feel lost
Deep inside Panorama ourselves complex – someone can make us perfect
We know it will not be easy to find it. Many people seem nice, at first, and then
Problems appear:
It is clear that they have a very annoying sister …
Or they are very nervous about things; they always insist on getting to the airport
As early as 3 hours ago
Or have a terrible taste in music …
Or their conversation after a long day at work, leaves us with much to say.
That is why we will continue to search: we take more space, take a break, get a divorce
We pass through the future possibilities on the net
Although it seems like we are too romantic to dedicate ourselves to such an effort to find the right person
In fact, our constant search is in fact a rejection of love. It is a guarantee
We can never succeed in relationships,
Because in the end, the deep secret of love is that there is no “right person”.
There are perfect beings, we can imagine them very clearly, but – tragically – they exist
Only in the upper atmosphere …
They never landed here on Earth …
It is the determination of people to be right, these are the roots of anger and intolerance
Because we will never be more angry than it would be when we believe that we have signed the contract of perfection
Given the human animal it is like, we can always ensure that we find something
This is not entirely true.
To be truly romantic, genuinely committed to what love requires, we need a vital and rarely mentioned feature:
A healthy dose of pessimism
The pessimism about that even the most perfect person – will actually look like the people we know
With this pessimism comes tolerance for a very long set of flaws that we will discover them,
They will also – of course – discover us.
Optimistic search for an ideal person will eventually force us to abandon all
Who may never have a chance to meet them
But in fact, the right person for us too is someone who does not share us
All our tastes, but the person who negotiates about differences in taste intelligently and wisely.
Compatibility is to achieve love, there can be no precondition
To be able to love properly, we must attend a funeral first: we bury many of our hopes deep in the earth
This funeral is the most romantic thing we can ever do. It will liberate us
Let us return to the world and have the right human relations that can last and flourish.
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