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How to Handle Crushes

It happens in something as private as our thoughts, mostly everywhere.
At the pool, the conference, between the supermarket shelves.
It’s always the same. Very little knowledge, complete ignorance combined
with a deep sense of knowing them completely, and the wisdom that they would if
just the circumstances allowed it to be the only one. It has been the case since the early youth
At least this madness. Even now, when you should know better,
it happens. These crushes, they show our ability
to know how to get the most out of the smallest details.
A wrist, neck, ankle, pair of jeans worn in the right way.
They become instantly whole people as we imagine a whole life together, filled
with deep common sympathy, tenderness and laughter.
This particular person will surely understand us
all the hidden complex, overhearded sides of us.
This ability we have to create an entire personality from very few details it is
There we look at sketches. This is not a person without nostrils, eight
hairline and no eyelashes. It’s a beautiful being, we feel we understand.
The cynics say it is madness, this stuffing
of shelves. We only protect wildly irresponsible fantasies …
but it is too evasive. We have the right to be delighted. It is
just not the whole story. Maybe it belongs to the beautiful thin wrist
with the leather strap about someone who is skeptical, alternative
sart, intelligent, ironic. The mistake of a crush is to go behind it
insight. Believing that this could be the whole truth behind that person.
Turned out of the power of crush, you forget a basic truth about humanity
nature. That everyone is crazy and trouble is wondering.
There is something seriously wrong with everyone.
Everyone is hard to live with. It can not be said from an ankle or a wrist
but there will be something. Time will reveal it definitely …
because life has left us all because nobody has had the perfect upbringing
and we are all terrified and troubled most of the time.
Anyway, we should not stop getting crushes.
We just do not believe what they seem to promise us.
Of course, we have not seen a glimpse of the perfect. It’s just a pretty nice side
It has come to light.
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