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How to be less anxious

The sea hit the rocks mercilessly since the first dawn hours.
How lies behind this deceptive word is simple
“the sea”
Persistent frenzy produces a sudden series of billions of waves
Each has its own character and rhythm.
There is a cross section on the top of the slopes, representing the history of the earth
Sandstone Belts
And limestone and limestone, dating back to the Upper Carbonic period 300 million years ago.
How long it took us to get here.
He invites us to the sea frenzy and his willing strength to a sincere sense of our weakness and weakness
A refreshing sense of joy discourages our trivial fears and selfishness.
As if indifference to nature is a comfort from being ourselves.
There are gulls at the top
And large colonies of Abu Moss (of the penguins) along the dangerous rocky slopes.
every day
Fly 80 miles or more
And plunge into 25 meters deep in the Atlantic Ocean.
In search of sprat, cod and herring,
The diverse population participating in us living in this different world
Abandoned and gaseous.
We promise part
Of all this
We must not say today “I” and “they”
But we are
We must abandon our jealousy
And our fear of the views of man –
And sometimes learn how to integrate with the world
To identify and discover its vast and abstract forces.
We are water
And the sky
And the earth
And currents
When we fall asleep at night
We can hear what appears to be a pulse of the sea through our ears
And we have.
And little energy of nature
Inside each of us
And our hearts will continue to pulse when we are exhausted, lost or tired
After leaving the lowest point of coral reefs and legs in the rocks
And it is only the moments of ferocious perpetual.
Translation: team translate autrjim @
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