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Waste is context sensitive – MPJ’s Musings – FunFunFunction #48

good Monday morning I am mpj and you are

watching fun fun function a recurring

comment on this channel is that I waste

a lot of paper people in the comments

are constantly suggesting that I should

use did you two overlays or that I

should I use a whiteboard this

frustrates a lot of you and I hate waste

too but this this is not waste today I

am going to try to convince you please

you’re not trying to expand your view on

what what waste is believe it or not

this ties into programming as well so

we’re going to look at some code later

on in this in this episode and expanding

your view on what waste is it’s going to

make you a better programmer so at first

glance me using paper it looks like

waste these papers are not reusable well

I do you reuse the the back of them but

and these papers they come from trees so

this is waste this is bad

right right look how much paper i’m

wasting i’m just i’m just tearing it up

this is this is horrible isn’t it wait

on this one

I’m not look I’m not even reusing the

back of this one horrible now I would

like to State for the record here that I

that I hate waste for instance I really

hate throwing food away and whenever I

eat at McDonald’s it makes me feel bad

because they have so much packaging on

their food but these specific papers I

do not consider these to be a waste they

are a different category so there is

this amazing book called Thinking Fast

and Slow by Nobel prize-winner called

his name is Daniel Kahneman I’ve linked


in the episode description the book is

basically about how your brain has two

systems one system is really fast and

it’s good at doing really quick quick

thinking intuitive thinking rough

approximations really quickly stuff like

that and then we have another system one

that is a lot slower but it’s also more

deliberate and more logical and can make

much more advanced thoughts now the fast

system is really good when you’re

driving in your car and suddenly there’s

a deer on the road and you have to

swerve around it and wow that you had to

do that really fast and now there is

some asshole on the internet tearing up

paper and your ancestors your fresh

system is going to go oh that’s waste

waste waste waste and that is going to

trigger the emotion anger in you and

research has shown that anger is very

very that the emotion that is most

likely to get us to interact on social

media so you go to write an angry

comment and you’re gonna rap but instead

if you let your slow brain system do do

the work you can watch like this person

is tearing up a lot of paper here hmm

and you can you can watch behind the

screen we monitor or your phone or

whatever and you see that it’s not

actually a person here you are watching

a two dimensional artifact of a video

production the experience that you are

having right now it’s going to be

replicated to at least 10,000 people the

first week that I release it so in order

for you to judge if there is actual

waste being done

you have to imagine like the paper

resource being expelled the paper being

used and divide that by the number of

views that this video has on and you

actually also had two experts do an

extrapolation of of the growth of the

video so that you kind of do an

approximation of the lifetime of the

video during the time it will stay on

the internet was it which is probably a

few years during the production of these

videos there’s also a lot of

resources being used that you don’t see

mostly my time producing one of these

videos takes takes approximately a day I

the script writing and editing and

shooting of course and then a lot of

setup and lighting and makeup as well

and there’s usually a bit of technical

hassle as well that I have to solve

every time plus uploading and rendering

and it’s probably something I forget

basically this channel eats up my Sunday

I there’s nothing else I can do on

Sundays so basically I allocate 1/7 of

my allotted life to this using these

videos and it’s not a waste of time

I mean I’m spending my day explaining a

single programming topic I could be

spending time with my family I could be

reading a book that could be cooking

some nice meal that I love to do I could

be going to the gym which I don’t love

to do I never do really I could do some


I was recently I recently turned down a

consulting gig for 200 bucks an hour

that’s real money that I could be doing

instead of doing this channel or on the

other hand I could go like help out in a

homeless shelter

I could go play a quantum break on my

xbox it’s right over there I owe I would

really love to play that right now

instead I’m sitting at a computer and

editing video and shooting video and

writing scripts all day just to explain

a single programming concept isn’t that

a waste no of course not this is the

single most important thing I do all

week this is the best and most efficient

use of my time possible why because

every episode is seen by tens of

thousands of people nothing else that I

could do will create this much good per

minute of life that I invested in it if

I spent an entire day explaining monads

to another person oh this link to that

episode the Mona Depa sewed in the

description by the way

if I spent an entire day explaining

monads to person that might not even get

it that could be a very bad use of my


but the monad video is not to one person

it’s it’s beneficial to tens of

thousands of people and in just the same

way this is not a waste of paper before

this episode I went to over to

McDonald’s and I bought two

cheeseburgers one of them I ate on the

spot because I lack self-discipline and

that was a waste the paper wrapping that

hamburger was a total waste because it

it just benefits one person that is

wasteful this one however is a problem

and this paper waste is divided by all

the people watching this video that I’m

trying to make a point to all over you

that put into each meal is multiplied

tens of thousands of times that is why

and that is why it’s not a waste for me

to spend half an hour trying to get a

sentence and important sentence of the

script just right because even if it

adds just a little value it’s still a

big value because of this multiplication

in the same way I used to have this

digital text overlays and I moved to

paper because I like that I can throw

them and I couldn’t I can’t stick things

on them I can’t ever you know there’s so

much more fun they also give the channel

a cool distinct look that does it looks

fun fun functioning a whiteboard I guess

would do some of that but a whiteboard

is I don’t know if you thought about

this but a whiteboard has a glassy

surface and I have these two big-ass

lights in my face all the time so I

would have to deal with the glare

somehow it feels to me like a whiteboard

would be a step back from paper these

burgers are like my guilty pleasure

number one

Yushu good not sponsored you should not

anyway the concept that I’m trying to

get across here is that just because

something looks like waste doesn’t mean

it that it is because of I tore

that house because waste yes

waste is context-sensitive you cannot

determine if something is waste by

looking at it in isolation

you cannot accurately conclude that

something is waste just because you’re

fast brain system will identify it as

waste you have to consider the whole

picture using your slow brain system I’m

pointing at the right side and left side

of the brain but that’s not what it’s

about I don’t even know if they have a

location let me show you the

implications that this has in

programming I’m going to show you two

functions they both locate an element in

an array by checking it’s ID property

and I want you to think about if we need

to optimize one of them so in this

example this first one we have an

function find by ID and it has a a for

loop it loops through an array that it

gets here and it will compare the the ID

property on the array with the ID that

it gets from from as a second argument

and if it matches it will return that

item element this is example two it has

the same signature it’s fine by ID it

takes an array and it takes an ID and

it’s a bit different though it has a

wash let’s call make this a let it sets

up a found variable and then it uses for

each to loop through the and the erect

and for each item it’s going to do the

same thing that we did up here it’s

going to compare the ID property on the

the the element or the item with the ID

that we’re passing and we’re passing in

as an argument and if it does if it does

match it will assign the item to the

found variable and once it’s done it’s

going to return found here at the end so

again I’m asking you do we need to

optimize any of these functions I am

tempted to answer both it’s a bit of a

cop-out answer because then we cover all

bases but optimizing all code in our

code base it’s it’s simply not a

realistic way of doing development

development time is very expensive and

it is very expensive because developers

take a long time to train and then they

are useful for a little while and then

they retire and then they die if we

spend our development time on optimizing

every single line of code that we ever

write and ever run across we would

pretty much be doing only that and not

getting any work done we really need to

have a thought process that allows us to

pick and choose the battles when it

comes to optimization so with that in

mind I again ask you do we need to

optimize any of these functions

if you answered example1 you would be

wrong if you answered example2 you’d

also be wrong if however you answered I

don’t know you get a golden star because

we cannot know we need more information

where is context-sensitive we need to

know the context in which this function

is being executed so let me make up some

context that conveniently makes my point

let’s say that you look at it and you

find out that the function in example 2

was used in a

batch processing script that runs one or

two times an hour you also find out that

the array that it’s looking at it’s it

sometimes 500 items sometimes a thousand

items but it doesn’t grow beyond that

and it won’t really grow as the

application load grows it won’t grow

much over time and what if I told you

that the decoding example one once used

in an animation library that did this

operation multiple times per second on

an array that could easily grow to

100,000 items when we look at these two

examples in isolation without knowing

anything about how they’re used I am

tempted to think that the one in example

two s are the the performance villain of

the two it uses for each which is not as

fast as a simple for loop and also

unlike example one it doesn’t stop when

it finds the item it just loops through

the entire array regardless of whether

or not it has found it however if we

find out that this code is just looping

through a few thousand items and is only

doing it a couple of times per hour when

the user isn’t waiting for it

optimizing this does not matter

optimizing it would just be some kind of

academic procrastination it wouldn’t

really add any value it would be me just

moving code around if a friend of mine

and end-user asked me what I did at that

moment I would just be saying like oh

I’m making this faster oh so the

software will be faster uh not for you

but this specific part will be faster

because it will emotion and that will

emotionally make me feel better as a

developer I wouldn’t really add any

benefit to anyone except me if with you

example one and in comparison to example

two here just in isolation without

knowing the context that they are called

looks a lot better in comparison but

when you introduce the context and you

get that oh I need to search 100,000

items per second you realize that this

algorithm it this is not gonna cut it

it’s too slow we need to optimize this

maybe we would create a lookup table for

the items in the array as we add them or

something I don’t know really

that’s not important for this discussion

the important part is that it is the

context in which a function is is being

executed that determines if it’s being

wasteful or not we need to know what

contacts this function is going to get

called from in order to know if it’s

worth the effort to optimize it or not

in summary waste is context-sensitive

just because something looks like waste

does not mean that it is when you see a

piece of code that you’re fast brain

quickly identifies that goo that’s

inefficient always ask yourself a second

time in what context is this code being

called it’s this really hot code is this

really worth optimizing if you liked

this video please share it with a

colleague if you are that colleague you

have your watch an episode of fun fun

function I release this every Monday

morning Oh 800 GMT time don’t miss out

subscribe hi mmm PJ that’s the Twitter

bird ah until next Monday morning stay curious

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