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Too many tools and frameworks!

hello beautiful people today’s video is

going to be all talk I am going to talk

about the frustration that a lot of

people in the JavaScript community and

the community in general feels about

tools and frameworks how there are so

many of them gulp grunt react angular

ember Python underscore low – mouth

bacon power a lot of people are feeling

overwhelmed we’re going to talk about

this frustration and what to do about

and I know that a lot of people here

expected another episode in the

functional programming with JavaScript

series however umm-hmm Gothenburg where

I live had an earthquake which happens

once in every 100 years here which

caused a surge which caused my monitor

to fry and it is difficult to make

screencasts without a script so I

figured I’d take the opportunity to make

this one first I want to talk about this

frustration in a bigger sense is the

fact that we have so many tools and

frameworks a problem and is this a

problem just with JavaScript I think the

answer to both of those questions is no

this debate has been raging on and on in

the JavaScript community for a while and

a few days ago Adam Morris dug up an

interesting quote by a man named

Theodore sturgeon if you don’t know

who’s sturgeon is he was a science

fiction writer and he was one of those

authors that we all aspire to be as as

creators he was extremely productive he

authored 200 pieces or something like


and he started writing in 1939 in 1939

science fiction was not a respected

formal bit richer it had this position

that comic books held a while back it

was not widely available in libraries

and it was

just not considered proper literature in

1958 sturgeon published an article I’m

going to read a bit from it now so that

I get it right I repeat sturgeons

revelation which was wrung out of me

after 20 years of worrying defense of

science fiction against attacks of

people who used the worst examples of

the field for ammunition and whose

conclusion was that 90% of science

fiction is crud using the same standards

that categorize 90% of science fiction

as trash crud or crack it can be argued

that 90% of film literature consumer

goods etc is crap in other words the

claim or fact that 90% of science

fiction is crap is ultimately

uninformative because science fiction

conforms to the same trends of quality

as all other art forms let me read that

last part again because it’s really

important in other words the claim or

fact that 90% of science fiction is crap

is ultimately uninformative because

science fiction conforms to the same

trends of quality as all other art forms

you have to understand that there is

going to be a ton of frameworks and a

ton of tools and 90% of it is going to

be cracked and that 90% is going to be a

big pile of crap because javascript is

an insanely popular language this is

also strengthened by the fact that

javascript is in the forefront of code

sharing github is a completely new

phenomenon in programming that makes it

super super super easy to share code and

javascript is definitely in the

forefront of using github javascript

also has extremely good packaging

solutions it’s very very easy to use

other people’s code in your code this

was easy before when we just had script

tags but now with NPM that is a

superpower so no this is

not JavaScript problem it just looks

bigger in JavaScript because javascript

is bigger and is much better at sharing

code if your language does not have this

problem it is either because it’s not a

very popular language or because it

doesn’t have as powerful code sharing as

JavaScript does and if your language is

popular and growing it will get this

problem because it will get a good

package manager because having a good

package manager is yes too good a

feature do not have yes we have

completed the introduction that means

it’s time for stretching all right so we

have a lot of tools and frameworks being

created and 90% of them are not very

good but that’s not a problem if we can

identify which 90% and just use the 10%

that are good a lot of people try to

solve this by looking for the best

framework the best tool and to do that

they look at either authority or

popularity for a combination of the two

popularity might mean that you look at

just a number of stars and github and

use the popular one because yeah people

seem to use that and it doesn’t seem to

cause them too much pain so we’ll use

that that seems good or you can look at

the publisher that is what is happening

with angular people have been looking at

Oh Google push this out then it it’s

probably good because Google knows how

to build software so angular is in this

position today and if you define the

best framework as the one that is

blessed by authority and is also popular

then we have it we have angular finding

tools in this way is not new in fact

like all things in computer science

we’ve done it since the 70s it began

with the SA P which is this god software

to build business systems

another example is SharePoint which is

this big blob of software that can be

used for almost any

thing that is very heavily used in the

enterprise they are popular and they are

blessed by authority and therefore a lot

of people use them and you can find

developers for them and it’s just a

circle that enforces itself and when you

work with these tools um well it’s not

exactly like they’re spraying rainbows

right and that is because the concept of

best tool is not as simple as that if I

ask you which tool is the best the

hammer or the screwdriver when answering

that you would have to say well I I

don’t know what we’re building so I

can’t really say I guess I would

probably need both maybe when you don’t

know what you’re gonna be doing but you

still pick a tool you need a very

generic tool you need a leather man and

a leather man is it’s pretty you okay it

can you can you can screw screws with it

because it has a screw driver a tiny one

but it works and you can use it to

hammering nails because it’s heavy but

when you use it it just doesn’t feel

just right so when you’re working with

one of these god leather man frameworks

is that it constantly feels a bit off it

feels like you constantly have to coerce

the tool into doing what you want you

have to fool it a bit hack it a bit the

framework has made these assumptions

that your app just doesn’t fit cleanly

into the framework supports both round

and square pegs but your pegs for star

shape so what I’m trying to get to here

is that if you pick your tool before you

know what you are building

you are per definition going to have to

pick a mediocre two because the general

tool is never as good as the tool that

is specifically tailored for your use

case hence the moral of the story is you

need to know what you are building

before you pick your tools

whoo aah we are eight minutes and 30

seconds into this video which means I

think it’s time for a break aah go get a

cookie in the kitchen that’s what I’m

gonna do I suggest you do the same there

were no cookies in the kitchen

so we need to know what we are building

in order to pick the right tool but we

don’t know what we’re building how can

we find that out a lot of people try up

from analysis you have a business plan

or maybe some kind of specs and designs

and stuff and you sit down for a couple

of hours or maybe even a club days and

just think really hard about what’s

gonna happen what kind of databases

could be useful for this and how much

load will this get and how is the data

structured and all the tech stuff the

problem is that you will fit we humans

think that we are really good at

predicting the future and we are better

at it than squirrels or dogs we have

these big brains that are almost

exclusively dedicated to planning

movement which can be generalized into

predicting the future but we are not as

good as we think we are Flickr is a

photo sharing service that just took the

world by storm when it launched it’s not

as big nowadays but it was enormous back

in the day and a fun fact about Flickr

is that it actually started as part of a

tool set for a massively multiplayer

online game called game never-ending and

it turned out that Flickr was a much

more viable product than the day that

they had built you might have heard

about mt.gox

it was the by far the biggest Bitcoin

exchange for several years and it just

crushed a year ago or so and the name

auntie Hawks when I first heard of it I

figured it was

mount it was probably some you

know a famous mountain or something but

no it turns out that MT GOx stands for

Magic the Gathering online exchange so

it used to be a forum for Trading Magic

the Gathering cards and they implemented

a feature for buying and trading them

with Bitcoin and that feature just took

off and they decided that oh this this

feature that we accidentally built is

much more feasible as a business and of

course we have urban urban was a name of

the company that built Instagram and

bourbon was also the name of their

product that they built which was is

cool location sharing service and they

spent a ton of time building that and

then they just realized that hey we

should build this image sharing thing

instead which turned into Instagram so

paradoxically you need to build

something before you know what you’re

building and this is why we have

prototypes and MVPs and whatever you

like to call them something that you

build in order to test out your idea and

when you build your MVP or prototype the

best framework that you can use is the

one you know best pick whatever tool

that you and your team is comfortable

with and run with that because since you

cannot be sure of what you’re building

whatever tool that you pick is going to

be badly adapted for what you’re doing

and if you’re gonna work with a tool

that is badly adapted for what you’re

building you might as well use one that

you are very familiar with so you that

you know all the nooks and crannies and

that you know how to bend into the shape

that you want even though it’s not built

for that fast forward to the future you

now have validated your MVP it’s up and

running you have a few customers and

people seem to like it and it seems to

be working fine because you have a lot

of customers now you know that okay

things aren’t probably not gonna change

your own much around here right we’re

not gonna do a flicker or bourbon or

mount rocks we now know what we are

building now you can look at your

product and pick the best technical

solution and this is what Twitter did

nowadays Twitter has a back-end built in

Scala with a pretty advanced logging

back-end using Cassandra and unship very

specific cool systems that they invented

and have open sourced but that is not

the way they started out they started

out with Ruby on Rails in hindsight Ruby

on Rails is just a horrible choice for a

service such as Twitter which is

essentially a messaging solution but one

thing that Ruby is good at is being very

flexible it can be you it’s one of those

big-ass god leather bands that can be

used to build almost anything in it sort

of a gateway and movie on Rails word

snob pick because of some sophisticated

technical analysis rails was picked

because that’s what the developers knew

and the developers by the way did

Twitter as the site project from their

their normal business so this was not

something that they were working

full-time on it was just something oh

this was cool and when you have very

little time and the thing that you are

building is super speculative and might

be thrown away or being changed do

something completely different it made a

ton of sense to just use something that

was ultra flexible that they also knew

okay so you do your analysis of your MVP

and you now have a really good idea

about what problems that the current

generic solution has and where you want

to take this and what problems you see

in the future because you you can

interpolate sort of from the problems

that you’re having now how they can

become bigger now it’s a time start

research you describe what it is you’re

building to other programmers ask them

if they have built an app like this and

what they used and what what learnings I

had it from using those tools and what

what recommendations they have you

google around trying to find what kind

of tooling that you need this is a

process that is almost completely

impossible if you don’t know what you’re

building because you would have no

criteria to to judge the quality of the

tools that you are picking the only

things that you could rely on before was

popularity and authority but now when

you know what you’re building you know

that your application needs nails and

not screws you know that you need

messaging not storage like snapchat for

instance when you start reading the

documentation or a new tool you will be

able to very quickly dismiss that tool

because you know what your needs are and

this means that you will be able to

research tools very very fast you will

not have a problem taking your tools

because you will know what tool you’re

looking for and we have reached the end

of this Monday’s video we have talked

about how quantity in tooling and

frameworks is just a fact of life to

create masterpieces you just have to

create a lot of drafts we’ve talked

about how there is no such thing as the

best tool and how you should stop

looking for the god-like leather man

we’ve talked about how you should

understand what you are building before

picking a tool but we also talked about

how you can’t understand what you are

building before you built it so you need

to make a MVP or prototype and you

should do that in the tool that you and

your team knows

once you have something that actually

has a bunch of customers that won’t

change around a lot so then it is time

to analyze it then you research tools

and frameworks and when you do that at

that point it will go much better

because you know what you’re looking for

I would love to hear from you either in

a comment down below or at MP Jamie on

Twitter tell me what you thought about

this format talking only or just ask me

something random or tell me what the

next episode should be about and

speaking of which do not miss that

episode you must subscribe by clicking

the face here and until next Monday stake your mieze

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