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Time boxing and pomodoro timers – Twitch stream highlight

how is your work-life balance

particularly now that you’re doing FFF

full-time it’s hard to as a chore to

leave work at work

ooh okay I actually got this space like

away from my home like specifically for

that purpose that and having people

running your own company tends to eat

you up a little bit I the way that I

manage it is mostly by scheduling things

after work like having a cup of coffee

with a person or just having to go

somewhere after work that it’s schedule

that where somebody expects you if I

don’t I just tend to like draw long I’m

not really more effective it’s just that

the day becomes diluted and until the

evening it just sucks I’m a huge fan of

time boxing and keeping like rolling

projects in to a certain time and waling

it off and in order to make yourself

more effective if I just allocate an

entire day to a project I just feel like

I just start the day by surfing the

internet for two hours it’s just better

just squeeze it in question for both of

you in chat please share with me any

other damn streamers inoue yes please do

I also host some people but please feel

free to like write them shoppin tell

people OFF still using for maduro time

up during your day yes I use a software

called breath time it’s not per se a

Pomodoro timer but it just locks my


after every 20 or 40 minutes whatever

time units are used depends on how much

energy I have during a day and how

boring the tasks I have or if I’m do

Texas and stuff like that I actually

just lower it to be like 10 minute

increments just convince myself oh come

on you can do just 10 minutes and 40 is

more when the things that just require a

lot of startup time like complicated

programming and writing scripts and

stuff like that but yeah I really

enjoyed the Pomodoro Technique it’s

super nice the right time is a great app

for that Mac

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