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Throw out your tools – MPJ’s Musings – FunFunFunction #54

good Monday morning I am mpj and you are

watching fun fun function the click bTW

title of this

today’s video is throw out your tools

I’m going to make a case for minimalism

in this video last week I made a pair

programming video together with my

friend Eric we programmed a game using

unity since its unity we were

programming in C sharp in that video and

in one one part of the video we we

talked a little bit about how we need

the robots use gathers or setters when

we programming in C you scatter sensors

but we don’t use the built-in language

functionality for it we just use normal

methods I want of you are ARCA lion 5

asked why why don’t you like getters and

setters why wouldn’t you use properties

they are great they obviously add value

and this is super interesting because I

totally agree that getters and setters

add value it’s just that I don’t think

they add enough value I like to use as

few tools as possible and I think that

to me for me

adding one more tool to my tool chain I

consider that to be a pretty high cost

so that tool will need to come with a

pretty high value for me to like accept

it into my tool chain and for me getters

and setters I like they to me they’re

just syntactic sugar they don’t add that

much value in this discussion I don’t

think there’s a clear right or wrong

several people in the discussion didn’t

agree with me they thought that adding

one more property accessor was

definitely that added value and that it

was definitely worth it so I just want

to make clear that there are varying

opinions on this matter but I would like

to make a case for mine today which is a

kind of extreme minimalism I don’t think

that my opinion is the end-all be-all of

on this matter but I do think that we as

an industry could use a little bit more

of this if you’ve been following this

channel for a while you know about me

that I I I don’t use a lot of tooling

many people ask me what editor are use

and so I eventually made a video about

that call it was titled

at what editor do you use you can find

it in the episode description and the

TLDR is basically that I use Adam

without any plugins at all I do this

because I’m a kind of recovering tooling

alcoholic I just can’t handle the

distraction of a complicated tool if you

want to know more about that you can

find the video in the episode

description but in this video I’m going

to make a case for less less libraries

less language features and features in

general really less plugins less build

tools less less and less it goes without

saying that I’m not referencing the CSS

framework less which is ironically one

more tool I did not start out thinking

this way I’m going to tell you a story

about me a very embarrassing story I

used to be a person I really liked stuff

you know gadgets and cell phones and and

computers and that kind of stuff

I still do we all do but back then I

really had this conviction that the

person with the most stuff when they die

wins and in my early 20s I ran a a

company and uh when it comes to money I

am a person that is very good at making

money but very bad at taking care of

that money when it’s there and when

you’re running a business you kind of

have to be good at both of those things

so in a couple of years I managed to

tank this company completely and also

amass a very sizable tax debt to boot

this was definitely the economic low

point of my life so the way things

work if you have a tax tip that you

cannot pay the Swedish igloo the Swedish

equivalent of the IRS well they can get

a seizure order for your things

basically so I’m not sure what the

organization is called in other other

countries but in Sweden is called the

Kuna them and what they do is that

if you can’t pay your debts they have

the legal right to come to you and seize

your assets and sell them on your behalf

to pay your debts for you so at this

point I just figured that I would be

proactive and sell my stuff first

because I figured I would do a better

job than them so what I did was that I

basically sold everything I owned that

had any remotely any value so Xbox

expensive computers whatever you name it

got rid of so much stuff I basically

liquidated everything I could into cash

and just crammed that towards the tax

debt in practice the seizure order never

happened I spent a couple of years

working as a consultant and paying the

tax debt of using just my salary but

accidentally that liquidation of all of

that stuff turned out to be one of the

best things that have ever happened to

me getting rid of all that stuff turned

out to be a massive relief what I had

not realised up until that point in my

life is that every thing you acquire be

a digital or or physical for that matter

carries a little tiny amount of work

with it that you have to do if you buy a

coffee grinder you now have a new

routine in your life to buy beans for it

when you upgraded from a dumb phone to

an iPhone you now have to remember to

charge it every day and whenever you get

any new thing and start relying on it

that thing has a possibility of breaking

down and then you now have a new task

that means that you have to go on and

get it repaired

none of these tasks are very big in

themselves so it generally doesn’t it’s

very invisible but once I got rid of all

that stuff at one fell swoop it dawned

on me how like big the amassed amount of

work from all of those things that I had

how big that chunk of time was how much

how much of a drain on my resources that

really was and that really changed my

attitude on these kinds of things I also

want to talk about cooking

let me I’m gonna fetch a thing that I

want to show you you can actually follow

me around because I’m trying out having

a lavalier mic I’m gonna open up my

fridge and I’m gonna pick out where is

it where is it here it is I’m coming

back wait for me wait for me wait for me

this is this is going to be incredibly

anticlimactic okay

tah-dah fish sauce I’m gonna talk about

the fish sauce in a bit and explain how

that ties into this but first I want to

talk a little bit about cooking in

general because I you love cooking it’s

one of those one of the hobbies that

I’ve picked up that or my

non-programming hobbies it’s like

cooking is the antithesis auntie thesis

and thesis antithesis of programming

because it’s very concrete you start out

doing something that is very tangible

it’s very limited in time and you end up

with something real and then you eat it

it’s it’s very different from

programming which is abstract as hell

and it can building a software can go on

forever but there are still a lot of

things that you can learn from cooking

that are transferable in software

development and one of those things is

myths and plus or just means it’s French

and it means everything in its place me

is basically being sad you before you

start cooking you locate all the

ingredients and tools that you’re going

to need to make the recipe and you place

them out in an orderly manner everything

in its place I’ve linked to a video in

the episode description if you want to

check out the the concept of missing

Plus by you know explained by somebody

who actually knows what they’re doing

means and flosses is pretty convertible

to programming in itself like just get

all your stuff in order like your editor

and all the documentation and stuff

before you start programming it’s very

nice and very calming but a very nice

bonus of knees is that it gives you an

overview of the complexity of the recipe

if a recipe is very complicated just

putting all the ingredients up is going

to give you a sense that oh this recipe

is going to be complicated this recipe

has a lot of parts when a recipe has a

lot of ingredients it’s almost always

going to add a lot of time to the recipe

and it’s also going to add more places

where the recipe can go wrong because

you make a mistake also it’s not always

the number of ingredients that is the

problem it might also be things like

this fish sauce fish sauce is super

common in Thai recipes but not generally

in the food that I cook I needed fish

sauce in to try a recipe recently and I

saw that I had it in my fridge but one

of them had expired last year and

another one had expired in 2013 so this

is one of those ingredients that where

you it’s in a recipe you buy an entire

bottle of it you use like this much and

then you never use it again so I mostly

like cooking simple recipes and by

simple I mean recipes with few

ingredients but not only few but also as


Eric as possible non non specialized

ingredients that I can use over and over

again in many different courses but

combined in different ways the advantage

of this is that it becomes less costly

because you don’t it’s easiest less food

waste which in turn of course allows you

to buy more high-quality ingredients

with the same amount of money and when

you have fewer ingredients that means

that you generally have less steps which

means that you can spend more care on

every step so you improve your cooking

that way to Italian cooking is a lot

like that it’s a very few ingredients in

very non weird combination and it’s

heavily focused on good produce and and

good quality meat as a as a basis for

the cooking rather than interesting

taste combinations that’s a lot of

talking about me and cooking and how but

how does this fall back into programming

well one of the main jobs of a

programmer is to manage complexity

billing software means that you build

new features over time things get added

and added and added and the complexity

just basically just grows and it’s up to

you as a programmer to keep this

complexity beast going for as long as

possible basically and the way we do

this is to find ways to make it possible

to reason about our code in a somewhat

sane manner this is not my opinion this

is actually important for reals in order

to build software because when it comes

to complexity like we all have as human

beings and programmers we all have

different a different level of

capability when it comes to handling

complexity some programmers can’t really

keep much of it in their heads at the

same time and require quite a bit of

simplicity and some programmers are very

good at kind of like keep like five or

or or perhaps two ten

things in their mind at the same time so

they they handle complexity better but

it’s kind of like juggling there’s a

there is a person like most people can

juggle two balls easily and some some

people can that are professional

jugglers and have done it for many many

years can they can do that ten balls but

nobody can do a hundred balls

therefore it’s absolutely crucial that

everybody knows how to build systems

that makes it a lot easier to reason

about our code we can’t solve it by just

hiring smarter programmers if you like

thinking more about that there is this

amazing talk by a guy called rich Hickey

that I’ve talked about before called

simple made easy it’s definitely one of

the top five best talks ever on computer

science and programming I’ve linked to

it in the episode description there are

many ways to make it easier to reason

about your code it’s you divide and

conquer is one of the more common ones

breaking things into modules and just

making sure that you can see it you can

think about one problem at a time but

another way that I think is heavily

underrated is one out of making a case

for today

which is basically throwing out tools

use fewer language features use less

libraries try to find ways of

accomplishing the same thing but with

less moving parts involved a lot of

people misunderstand me when I talk

about this so I want to talk about

thrashing versus sacrifice so a lot of

people think that oh okay yeah we should

really clean up all the dead code in our

projects and but that’s not what I’m

talking about

like that’s that’s thrashing if I find

you know like just trash on my floor and

I throw that away into the bin then I’m

not simplifying my life in any way I’m

just cleaning it’s just thrashing

sacrifice on the other hand that means

actually throwing out things that have

value that you like a lot that that that

paints you to remove

and that will piss people off if you

remove them you mean stuff like selling

your TV because you don’t want to spend

more time watching TV in your life

because you find that data it has become

a waste for you so when I’m talking

about throwing out your tools I’m not

talking about throwing just trashing

things that you don’t use I’m talking

about actual sacrifice I’m talking about

removing things that you actually find

valuable but that you are willing to

sacrifice in order to create a simpler

cohesive whole I am going to give you a

great example of this being done in the

wild and it’s it was just recently by

create react app if you don’t know what

create react app is it’s a boilerplate

app basically an app skeleton that

allows you to get going well react

really really quickly without any fuss

create react app is zero configuration

it gets you going right away it’s well

tested on many platforms and if

something breaks down the cooperation is

the same for everyone else so you’re

very likely to get help on the internet

easier great but in order to get there

they had to sacrifice and one of the

most controversial things that they

sacrifice was source maps now source

maps are when they work they are amazing

you have your original JavaScript code

written in es6 or CoffeeScript or

typescript or whatever and it’s strength

spiral down to Acme script 5 run in the

browser and there’s some error but you

even though that code is transpiled you

will get the correct stack trace on the

correct lines corresponding to your

original code like magic that source

maps they are so good but create react

app does not have source maps because

call that well they break down a lot

there’s a lot of they did not feel like

if we want to create this this cohesive

experience that gives people a

predictable out-of-the-box experience

that you know just works and let’s say

people start getting work done source

Maps does not fit into that cohesive

picture I really love source maps but I

I really respect create react app for

making this decision because they and

they are able to do that because they

know exactly what they are building so

that you are able to do this this

sacrifice another problem with having

many ingredients in your software is

that more moving parts means that there

are more parts that can break and

therefore more things will break another

hidden cost with using third-party tools

is that you need to stay up to date new

versions or these components are

released all the time and you could

elect not to do the updates but then you

are partly exposing yourself to any

vulnerability that is known and out

there or your documentation will simply

go stale because the documentation

online will be for the news the new

version of the software while you’re on

the old one so it will be even harder to

manage if you have many moving parts and

many tools and stuff in your project

it’s going to affect how accessible your

project is to pick up for other

programmers might necessarily not make

it worse might be actually make it

better if it’s a very well-known

component that you’re using but often it

affects it negatively

for instance Redux Redux is an amazing

pattern but let’s be honest when you

start learning Redux

it’s like this rabbit hole of things

that you have to learn the documentation

is like okay we are now going to teach

you what action craters are then we go


the documentation here we’re using this

thing which is a new thing it’s a simple

plugin that you can just pull from here

you can read about it here and then you

start reading about nothing and then you

realize that that thing uses another

thing that’s like it’s just it takes a

lot of time it’s far from

straightforward to learn even especially

if you use meta frameworks like redux

OGG and stuff it really impacts the way

your application will be received by a

new programmer coming into the project

especially if that programmer is not a

JavaScript developer so for going back

to the original thing the property

accessors in c-sharp it could be argued

that using c-sharp accessors is

idiomatic to c-sharp like it’s what that

means is that it’s the way you do things

in c-sharp it’s a natural way of doing

things and that it’s true so maybe if

you do in c-sharp well when in Rome you

should code c-sharp the way Romans do

and the same could go for redux it’s

it’s functional it takes JavaScript in a

nice direction it’s definitely idea

Matic but it definitely does make it

harder for a program are not familiar

with that language or that platform to

move into it so we’re using tooling then

it’s very specialized for this language

this this domain so to speak

instead of using tools that have a

tendency to overlap with other parts of

the industry I’m not saying that we

shouldn’t be ing ematic it’s it’s nice

in many ways but I think that we also be

at least we need to be aware that there

is a back side to idiomatic these things

that kind of feed on themselves because

if you are very familiar whether with a

platform you’re the the amount of

cognitively load that you can handle as

a JavaScript developer you just I can

handle these functional things I can

have it like another redux plug-in sure

I can throw that on my JavaScript is all

I do so ha

I’m I can do this all day but if we want

developers to be able

to move between different platforms and

do a lot of things like iOS development

or Android or perhaps back in

development and and front-end

development in JavaScript like if we

want developers to be able to help out

in many parts of the organization then

it’s a very bad thing if people start

using a lot of specialized tooling for

their part of the tool chain that only

they know about because it creates these

tech apart Heights between us and people

will start to create tools like human

human human I understand that people use

human I really do and I understand that

a lot of people spend time making human

but IO staved human I really do

I find it insane like the person that

created human like I can’t fathom that

thinking process so they have so many

tools they have so much set up for their

project that is so complex that they had

to create a meta tool to manage their

overly complicated toolset it’s like a

person that has 2000 shoes at home it

does not occur to this person that they

might have a problem collecting shoes no

no they decide to build a shoe sorting

robot I think this is crazy it’s a

personal opinion don’t kill me

too much I’ve been running a lot I’m not

saying that you shouldn’t use tools of

course we need to use tools it would be


I mean you can’t make food with just

flour it’s just oh we can but it’s not

very good we need some balance but I

think that it’s fair to say that you

should ask yourself twice before adding

a tool or ingredient to your your

software development process or your

project next time you’re about to add a

new library or start using a new feature

in your project the language feature

that was not previously used ask

yourself does

this add a lot of value to my project

that is because if you get into the

habit of adding things just because they

have some value you’re going to end up

with a lot of complexity over time but

that is just me what do you think did

this video make you think of an

ingredient in your software development

process that you could live without or

maybe one that you couldn’t live without

or maybe you think I’m just full of

please leave a comment down below you

have your watched an episode of fun fun

function I release these every Monday


oh wait hundred GMT do not miss out on

the next one

I am mpj until next Monday morning stay curious

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