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Static types, Hogwarts sorting hat and personality types – Twitch stream highlight

I’m actually been thinking a lot about

naming and classifying things lately I I

started listening to this new podcast

it’s not new but it’s do you for me

called hidden brain if you know about

freakanomics it’s it’s kind of sorta

like that and they talked about the last

episode was called the sorting hat as in

the sorting hat at Hogwarts Harry Potter

and they did made parallel to this hat

which places you in one of the Hogwarts

houses automatically determines what

kind of personality you are and then it

says that if you’re what Hallward sounds

you fit most in given who you are your

personality and they make a parallel to

personality tests as well like the

myers-briggs tests which I love by the

way I find super fun i’m an entp

or a an ENTJ if I’m you know whenever

I’m in like a boss kind of situation

I’ve kind of fall into that and then so

they also talk about other personality

tests and they’re kind of they are kind

of negative towards personality tests

because they generally have no

scientific bearing or anything I and I

agree I don’t think that the

myers-briggs should be used for anything

serious that seems like a bad idea but

it’s fun and but the parallel to

programming is then what that teaches us

like the fascination that people have

with the Sorting Hat and personality

test is that we really like categorizing

people and things we like to say that oh

that person is an INTP or an is fjm

effect then I now have a mental model of

that person and now I can deal with them

so reality is difficult and complicated

and hard and we as humans we’d like to

simplify that reality into

into mental models and names we like to

give things names and I think that

that’s the danger in programming

especially when it comes to types I this

might be just me rationalizing my

disdain of type systems but I think that

I want a programming language I not per

se against types and classes and stuff

like that but I like a programming

language that allows you to defer the

creation of types and classes so that

you can like just ah let things be what

they are for a while before naming them

or defining a class for them like and I

really like just you know loose object

literals without having to define time

for them and I like anonymous functions

without having to name them and stuff

like that have you ever tried typescript

on a project I think you would really

enjoy it it does not force typing on you

like Java – I have tried it and it’s

absolutely true that it doesn’t shove

pipes down your throat but I still I

tried a tried flow which is an even

which is even more slack than typescript

and I just found myself still getting so

caught up in types because both flow and

typescript the way they are designed

it feels wrong when things are not typed

in that language at least for me I’m not

sure if you agree but I just found

myself like oh my god that doesn’t have

a type and then I just found myself like

it’s it’s kind of like how just see like

there or say that there are you see ten

slots right imagine ten slots in

something like wooden slots or something

and then all of those slots are filled


green things and then there is one that

is not filled with a green thing and the

green thing that is there just lies over

here and your brain just wants to move

that thing there put it in like complete

the the puzzle and that’s what working

with flow felt like to me and I know I

just found it to be really really

distracting and I removed it from the

project I work with types have that

effect on me I don’t they they distract


that’s one big aspect often we can’t

predict what something will be what a

proper name for something should be what

the correct interface for something

should be yeah that’s true like

essentially I think a lot of software

development problems arise from trying

to predict the future instead of

allowing your software to just evolve

and then observe observe the patterns

and then create the generalization as

humans we think we’re really good at

predicting the future but we’re really

not like our brains are kind of built in

order to anticipate oh if I run around

that corner there might be a wolf and

then I need to run back here I guess

that is what it’s built for like the

fact that we’re using it to build these

complicated software systems that’s just

a huge hack on top of our capability to

planet movements and yeah I’m also

missing premature optimization is the

root of all evil that is so true so true

but I think that a lot of people miss

that it also involves generalization and

naming things as well everyone says oh I

wouldn’t say all evil yeah no precisely

everything like Hitler was do too

premature optimization anyhoo where were we

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