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Map – Part 2 of Functional Programming in JavaScript

hello in this series we are learning how

to do functional programming in

JavaScript you can find the full series

by clicking there in the last episode we

learned about higher order functions

since functions are just values like any

other value in JavaScript we can exploit

that by making functions that take other

functions as their arguments and that is

called a higher-order function we also

learn to use a higher order function

filter we learn that filter is a method

on the array object that takes another

function as its argument and uses that

function to filter the array in this

episode we’re gonna learn about

something new and also called map just

like filter map is another higher-order

function also like filter it goes

through an array but unlike filter it

doesn’t throw the objects away instead

it transforms them why what does it mean

let me show you take a look at this

array you might notice that I’m reusing

the array from the previous video but

that is simply because a race of animals

is very very common in enterprise-grade

programming but the problem is different

this time around we want to get an array

of all the names of all the animals this

is super simple to solve with map but

before I do I want to show you how we

would solve this using a for loop so

let’s check out what this does just so

you see that this just logs out the

names the code is super straightforward

it just loops the animals array and for

each animal it just picks the name

property and its pushes it into the

names array that we create on line 10

now let’s do the exact same thing but

using map instead I’ll comment out the

for loop here and keep it around for

right let’s do this remember that I told

you that map is a function on the array

object just like filter is map will take

a callback function just like filter

does the callback function will be

but here is where map gets different

from filter filter expect that the its

callback function to return a true or

false value that determine whether or

not the item should be included in the

array or not nap will include all items

in the array but instead it expects the

callback function to return a

transformed object that it will put into

the new array instead of the the

original animal in this case that will

be the name like that now let’s save and

run it and see if it produces the same

output as the for loop BAM exactly the

same using map to return a subset of an

object like this where we return just

the the the the name property is a very

common usage pattern however since map

just expects the callback to return any

object we can use it to create

let’s run that Tara fluffykins is a

rabbit Caro is a dog hamiltonicity yeah

they’re getting it don’t but do you see

how little code this is it is amazing

I’m gonna put the for loop example next

to the map example so that you can

compare and I’m gonna remove the extra

code that we added to the map so that

they are doing the same thing now check

HERE when I’m selecting the the the map

example and here in the lower left

corner you see that this it’s 66

characters and when I select the for

loop example you see that it’s 89

characters that it’s like 30% more let

me put it put it like in one line as to

got pull this out a bit then it’s a lot

shorter short code is good because less

code almost always means less bugs but

it gets even better in ECMO script 6

we’re getting arrow functions I’m going

to rewrite this using arrow functions

arrow functions is a new shorter and

better syntax for functions in ECMO

script 6 it looks like this so it’s a

bit shorter but it gets better if your

function logic fits on one line like in

this example you can just get rid of the

return statement and the curly brackets

and this will whatever statement is

after the arrow function will be


turned so let me comment out the stuff

that we keep around for comparison and

go back to with the console and run this

whoops this won’t work right off the bat

because as I said arrow functions are a

part of the ACMA script sixth standard

and that is not fully implemented into

browsers or node yet however if you’re

running the latest version of IOT is you

can just use the harmony arrow functions

flag and it works if you’re watching

this video from the future you don’t

have to do this in functional

programming it’s common to go even

shorter and just shorten the variable

names to X like this BAM let me put this

next to the original for loop just to

if you don’t think this is absolutely

beautiful you I just have no soul there

is you can’t see beauty in the world

just check this this is 38 characters

and this is 90 ah and that concludes

this informational computer science

video about the higher-order function

map which is which is part of this the

series about functional programming in

JavaScript next time we will look at a

classic higher-order function called

reduce don’t miss it

please subscribe if you like this also

follow me on Twitter at MB Jaime stay curious see you next time

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