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Keeping up with the frameworks – Twitch stream highlight

that might be obsolete next year now it

really won’t like I know that I know

that it’s fun to say like oh the web

development and JavaScript community is

so like there’s a new framework every

week but they’re really really isn’t

angular and angular has had such a long

lifetime angular launch angular

Wikipedia when was that good launch

does anybody remember when it was like

the first version of angular 2009 seems

seems correct 2010 2010 so it’s like

it’s seven years ago and it’s still

being used like things are not moving

that fast react was react is still the

up-and-coming thing compared to react

and it was what is that five years ago

for wikipedia says October 20th 2010 but

when was react I’m just guessing fine

and it’s if you just if you look at the

big movements and focus on like things

that are gaining traction the ones that

are actually actually matters then you

won’t really have to learn all that many

frameworks you need to learn a new one

perhaps every third year at best at

worst that people are excited about view

but it’s good god yeah you don’t need to

jump on every little framework that does

an iteration on top on our framework you

can wait for a while to see if it works

out and see if it gains traction

then you start like okay maybe there’s

something that you should check out like

web development is not fashion it’s not

like the stock market it’s not where you

have to be absolutely at the edge of

things that is not how development works

Oh react was to march 2013 four years

ago image Niki I for one and super

grateful for all the people working so

hard to improve the jsf ecosystem yes

that is so true I am really grateful to

we should be so happy that we have so

many tools and so many people working on

them like a lot of it is crap but a lot of it is just fantastic quality as well

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