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Getting Started with Feature Flags – #1 LaunchDarkly Feature Flags

good Wednesday morning Beecher flags

kind of allows us to beta-test parts of

our system it’s a technique where we

hide parts of our system behind a

feature flag and this allows us to roll

out to a subset of our users in a

gradual manner

I am mvj and you are watching function

this extra Wednesday episode of fun fun

function is brought to you by launch

directly which is a product that we’re

going to use when implementing feature

flags in this video if you like what you

see please do check them out and give

them some love for supporting the show

alright let’s get started the first

thing that we’re going to do is to

create a completely new app and app

without feature flags that’s the first

thing that we’re going to do right it’s

done let’s see D into this thing and see

if it works and p.m. start oh it’s over

here you know yeah yes it works

excellent let’s close that and close

exit the development server as the name

I used here implies we’re going to

create a playlist and by what a P by

that is basically as an interface that

at first used lists a bunch of

hard-coded songs let’s go alright let’s

open up app Jas let’s get rid of this

stuff here and instead just like a list

of of of songs here like just Li and

then title and one more title to add one

title to title three lesser problem I

only need to close this list that’s it

alright let me close this terminal and

instead use the integrated terminal in

Visual Studio code

and let’s do anything start to have a

look at what our interface looks like

after my my edits whoo that’s a gorgeous

in their face I’m a born designer all

right so we want to change this to have

some actual hard coded data so let’s do

in the constructor we’re going to assign

this state should be like some songs

gonna code in some songs I’m actually

not gonna code in some songs I’ve

prepared this before I can you know kind

of paste in some songs I wrote before so

these are some songs that we added to

this imaginary playlist here you see

that some of them are already in the end

of November and some of them are added

at the start of December and we want to

list them out so this dot state of song

stops map and for each zone we are going

to have an ally and we’re going to

check this out this is not allowed

before super that’s correct I need to

call the super before

oh cool in doing anything else in

classes because classes are annoying

unexpected use of name now that’s true

what would name even be it’s supposed to

be somewhat named otherwise things would

be weird magical all right cool we are

now listing their songs next up I want

to add some sorting right so I want to

think about a problem that I had while I

was working at Spotify

we had I was not alone and working on

the playlist that by any means but a

playlist works its way it’s it’s a list

of songs like it’s kind of like the the

the mental model for it is a mixtape if

if you’re that all of you remember


but the general idea is that you add

songs and you can rearrange the list and

like the list has a specific specific

order and when you add something to a

playlist just say add and then it will

end up at the bottom however for some

playlist this works fine if you like or

if you’re creating a playlist for like a

gym or like some nice playlist to send

to someone you care about that makes

sense but if it’s a playlist that is

your dumping ground for new and

interesting music that you want to want

to listen to then it makes a ton more

sense to just have the playlist always

sorted by recently added and what that

is what we’re going to add here we’re

going to add some sorting to it let’s

just say sort order here and we’re going

to call a by default it’s it’s not going

to have a sort order it’s good that’s

going to be you know it’s gonna be the

natural order that that it’s coming from

the database our hard-coded array

alright so what we’re going to do is

that we’re going to before mapping we’re

going to sort using a sort of function

and initially the sorter function is

just going to be undefined

so if you pass in undefined to sort it’s

not going to do any sorting okay prove

it to you look only one strong stream a

river it’s not sorted we’re going to get

to this but before I do I want to do


we have to fix a little caveat here

because the sort function sorts in place

this is because the creators of this

function in JavaScript are our satan

himself so we need to do a slice first

this is a very nice way of just making a

quick shallow copy of an array so this

way we get a new like copy of this array

and then we sort that and then we map it

so that even though that this sort in

place that won’t matter because it’s a

copy all right so the sort order however

however mmmmmm if the sort order

equals equals equals with say added then

we are going to assign sorter to be a

function that compares added let’s see

how we do this I made some some handy

notes on how to do this while I was

rehearsing this so that you don’t think

that I’m pulling this out of my brain

but or something like that

so what we’re gonna do is we’re gonna do

the parse data parse data parse a not

added and we’re going to compare that to

date parse be added you think that this

is just gonna parse them out as as a

number like a UNIX timestamp or

something but this makes them comparable

oh I think that will work except that

now we are reassigning sorter so let’s

make it into left instead sort order is

not if I know that’s true if

this dot state dots were Tory that’s

what we’re going for

all right cool but nothing is ever

signing itself to sort order we need to

create some kind of button that does

that so let’s do that let’s create a

condom here not is called natural

sorting and we are going to create one

that is called time sorting on the worse

than naming and we’re going to do one

click here and don’t you assign

thingamabobs here and you see a function

and just going to do like this start set

stapes and set that state to sort so

order sort order I’m the best typist and

we’re not set it to add it awesome

that might work time sorting I clicked

it but nothing is happening let me pull

up the inspector see if something

happens this is just a warning that we

don’t care about this these purposes

like to check out react here see what

the sort order state is so react we can

actually expect the state here which is

really handy in the react Chrome

extension it so it’s successfully

signing sort order added but nothing is

happening when I click it what if I just

inverse this year like yeah okay so this

sorting is actually working I just

flipped the thingy the other way and

everything worked so this now is can

actually do this as a constant for fun

sort by

like Const is newer cool you know what

we could actually just change this to be

a ternary expression to be honest so

that we get a can do this as a Const let

me rewrite this so the sorter if this

state dot sort order is added then the

it’s gonna be is newer that is the

sorter otherwise it’s going to be


I think that this looks cooler I can

remove this right okay this this could

actually be one light you’re wasting

really valuable video time on this now

yeah I know but refactoring just feels

really good

stop it stop it now fine right so this

is a bit confusing because we can’t see

which one we clicked so let’s let’s add

some some styling to it so yes I also

wanted to so at it that I can reverse

the order so sort order no and let’s

also add some style style equals the

font weights know if the mmmmmm it’s

that this dot state dot sort order

equals no then this should be bold

otherwise it should be normal normal

normal that work now that is bold let me

steal that copy paste

it – this thing and then if the sort

order is added then it should also be

bold so now this works Wow I have

created sauteing can ask a question why

aren’t the div tags inside of the UL tag

artistic freedom this is valid HTML oh

well it’s it’s actually not valid at all


there we go ah hi it looks worse all

right so we have this app it can do a

bunch of things it can can do sorting

that’s actually the only thing that can

do but use your imagination and think of

this like we have this app in production

it’s it’s out there it’s used by users

and stuff it’s slide and we discover or

we postulate we think that maybe that

this time sorting is actually a better

default right now natural sort or area

is the default but we should probably

make recently added the default maybe

hmm let’s try it we won’t try that and

the way your app is set up now the way

we do it is to just go in the code here

and say sort order added and now natural

natural sorting is no longer the default

it’s it’s time it’s time sorting that is

it’s the default now and we push that we

deploy it that is how you deploy an app without feature flags simple enough

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