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Generators in JavaScript – What, Why and How – FunFunFunction #34

go to Monday morning I am mpj and you

are watching fun fun function a bit of a

lifestyle shot for you for quite a while

people have asked me to do a video on

generators generators is a new feature

in ACMA script 6 oh yes next or yes

harmony or yes like JavaScript 2015 or

whatever it’s a new feature what are

generators a lot of people refer to

generators as possible functions which

is an explanation that I like but I

think that generators in the end is one

of those things that you just have to

see in order to understand them so let’s

get into it when you’re making use of

generators you often make use of

promises as well you don’t have to but

still if you don’t understand promises

and understand promise as well this

video is just gonna make your brain melt

so you need to do that first I have a

video about promises over there that you

can check out so for this example we’re

gonna work with some synchronous code

we’re just gonna fetch something from a

it packing service there’s actually this

cool service for just doing these random

rest cold test things and it’s a JSON

placeholder doctype code calm and when

you curl to it you get this random test

data it’s very useful for

so I have this test file console.log ah

hello and I just run that and say that

generally interested yes hello I’m going

to show you an example with promises

first and to do that we are going to use

the the fetch API to do that because

that is promise based so I’m just gonna

do fetch then and uh yeah we’re gonna

consult of log that I’ll see what

fetch is not the fun yeah

because in the web browser you modern

web browsers is gonna have fetch built

in but we’re running node so we don’t

have that so I’m going to require that

in node goes fetch require no fetch I

think and p.m. install node fetch and we

run that again right we get a big JSON

blob yes okay we get a body object to

response object or something like that

in order to get a JSON body from go get

the body from this as Jason we are going

to do response the response

JD song hello run it again very nice now

we have a JSON object here with a title

think we’re gonna log that out

composites then adopt a post a new post

dot title and we are going to go

no generators chance and we get just the

title here clarify that I will just do

title both the to do title there and run

it again and now it says title here so

this is dealing with a synchronously

silouan as soon using promises and

it’s it’s very standard thing we’re just

passing the your I hear it’s fetching it

and once it’s fetched it it will pass it

to this school back here it’s getting

the response and the response has a

method called JSON which will parse the

body as as Jason and then once it’s done

that it’s going to pass it on to the

next callback as to the next then and

we’re extracting the title from there

and that title is being console logged

out to the console and that is what

we’re seeing here nothing strange about

that but we are going to throw some

generators into the mix now require in a

generators library called Co now Co will

take as its argument a generator

function and that looks like that has

this little star here and that means

it’s a generator function going to

comment coming out this this promise

example here and start copying things

from it I’m going to copy this line here

BAM it’s going to be a little long so

we’re going to break this out into a if

your I oke Oke and now what I’m going to

do is that I’m going to do this response

equal fetch URI so this will uh if I

just if this was just executed straight

off this would this would return a

promise but if I do this ah and let’s do


console.log response and I’m going to

execute and show to you what so look at

this this being returned this is not a

promise this is the actual response

object let me further demonstrate that

I’m going to Const post

response dot JSON execute that again

what oh yeah it’s still a response

because I’m echoing the response I want

to echo post like I want I could this

run again and we see that Wow this no

echoes the post so I’m just gonna to

make it the same as the coda Bob I’m

going to just title do to do post don’t

I – and we’re gonna echo title just to

make it exactly the same I’m gonna do


we’re honor we run it again and as you

see we now have the same behavior it’s

echoing the title out from there the

posts in the example oh so what I’m

showing you here at this point is

basically just dark magic it’s some new

star syntax as its new yield syntax and

it’s a new coal library so let’s walk

this code through in a calm orderly

manner there’s nothing strange about our

line 12 but here is our first mystery

keyword we recognize this fetch your eye

here from the the last example up here

but yield this is weird what what does

this do so what the generator function

here will do when it reaches the yield

keyword is that it’s going to take the

promised return from fetch and it’s

gonna go hey I don’t know what this

thing is I am going to just deal this to

you the co-ceo and let you deal with it

because I don’t know and I’m not gonna


anything more I’m not going to keep

executing until you give me something

that I can work with and the co-function

it’s gonna go like yeah you’re a

generator function you lazy bum I will

deal with this promise for you and it’s

going to take the promise it’s gonna

resolve it and then it’s going to pass

that what whatever the result value is

back into the generator function and

that is what is going to be passed out

here what is going to be assigned to the

response and this is going to be

repeated here on the next line so

responsive JSON that is also going to

return a promise which the generator man

well as soon as it reaches a yield here

it’s going to go what this is another

promise I don’t know what to do with

that I’m going to yield it to you CEO so

that you can deal with it and the CEO

does it resolves a promise and then it

passes it back into the generator which

will assign it here and the rest of the

code here this is nothing strange and

this is nothing strange okay so this

makes it feel a little bit less magic

but we’re only looking at how generators

work from inside of the generator we

don’t know how CEO does this so we are

going to implement our own version of

CEO I’m gonna comment this out and I’m

going to replace this with what are we

gonna call it we’re gonna call it into


I was recently given this a branded USB

power bank and I thought Adam it seems

like it’s not produced in a fully

english-speaking country so I figured

that I would do a dramatic reading for

Powerbank wide compatible USB output

electricity saving funky Kong and

Vuitton mental friendliness and economic

efficiency have LED battery capacity

indicator fashion and beautiful no loss

standby use that time longer high

conversion efficiency the power rating

power conversion is as high as 90

percent above the far higher than

similar products have intellectual

dormancy function when the equipment

used will automatically adjust current

output really play a plug and play for

smart iPhone HTC black family who away I

bet I’m gonna comment this out and I’m

going to replace this with what are we

gonna call it we’re gonna call it magic

well no not really because this is not

particular magic what people call them

run uh let’s call them yeah run let’s

let’s go with that we’re declaring

function run we know that run takes this

right this is it takes a generator and

we are going to yeah we’re this is

running the generator so we’re just

gonna you know run the generator

generator generator and we’re gonna see

what that gives us you know um

console.log run it ah gee thanks node

debugger that was super useful all right

ah that’s not very explain

I’m I happen to know that this gives us

an iterator and iterator is going to

have a next method let’s console of that

out instead a result see what that gives

us all right this is a lot more

explanatory gives us an object here we

and the object has a protocol value

which is a promise that’s that is to be

expected the again the generator has

like I don’t know how to deal with

promises hey run do you deal with this

so it’s given us the the promise here

and it’s also has a property which is

done equals false we’ll talk about that

in a bit later for now the the lacy

generator has asked us to deal with this

promise and that’s what we’re gonna do

let’s let’s take the promise here going

to call this object it the raishin I

think this this object this is what we

were calling an iteration and the

iteration has a promise as its value in

this case duration of value call this a

promise to you and we’re going to or

solve this like you resolve promises

then right so the promise will resolve

to a value going to call it X and we

want to provide the lacy generator with

this value somehow and we do that by

passing it into the iterator again so

we’re gonna call iterator dot next and

we’re gonna pass in the value that got

us nothing really I think it’s acute

this but screw that for now

we’re not getting this far

I think we need to do a console dot log

here to see what is happening response

is response and we run that right BAM so

we recognize this this is the response

object so it worked that far let’s

slowly walk through what is happening so

far so we are passing this generator

here into run run will here on line 21

call generator that will give it an

iterator so far nothing in the Jen the

generator is not being executed yet

however here on line 22 recalling dot

next on the iterator that will actually

start the execution of of of the

generator so it’s going to execute line

12 and then it’s going to start

executing line 13 here and it’s gonna

call fetch and fetch is going to return

promise which the generator is going to

yield one out it’s gonna pause itself

I’m just going to say that hey run you

have to deal with this this promise

because I don’t know how to deal with it

and that is what we’re going to get down

here because the next value will return

an iteration and that iteration will

have a value and that happens to be our

promise because that is what what the

generator the generator yielded then we

use then to resolve the promise

just like you resolve any promise and

when we do we pass it in to the iterator

using next pass a value in here and that

will then yield adhere and assign to

response that’s as far as we are right

now what happens next here is that the

generator since we now have yielded the

response well

two new executing and will log out this

response here and that is what we see

here and then it’s going to be

continuing here calling this response to

JSON and it’s going to yield that up to

the run and that is going to be yielded

here so here we are going to get another

promise I’m gonna call it another

promise for now just to prove this put

to you I’m going to console.log another

promise out another promise we’re gonna

run that oh yeah it’s not strictly true

that it is another promise because it is

and an object containing the promise

here as as a property value so this is

not acts another promise iterating next

is not it’s actually another if the rate

door right now we’re gonna call this

another area another iterator I’m gonna

do the again now it makes a bit more


so another iterator here it’s returning

another iterator and on the value

property it has this promise that we

want let’s do that let’s get that out

another promise

and another iterator equals value that’s

our promise echo that out cool we now

have the promise and that’s a promise

good I’m going to delete this line and

we are going to resolve this promise as

well I’m going to call this why don’t

freak out we will clean that up later

and we are again yes as we did above

going to pass this to the iterator using

next let’s see if that actually got us

the post so I’m going to delete this

response line here and it’s then I’m

going to console.log this out post is

post and we run that let’s see if it got

us what we wanted yes it did

so now post is and we get the response

of the JSON and in fact the entire thing

works we also got the the title here so

I can actually delete this and actually

it now does exactly what CEO did

let me just uncomment this back and run

it again and you’ll see that we just

implemented CEO now that we have the

full implementation of runlets through

this CEO away because we now have our

own implementation ah let’s walk through

this line by line so what first happens

is that we call run here well and we

pass in a generator function so run here

is going to be passed the generator and

the first thing it’s going to do is to

call generator this does not run the

generator that would happen if generator

was a normal function no instead it’s

going to get return an iterator and to

actually get the iterator to run to get

the generator to start running we call

next on it this only this first run we

don’t pass any any argument here because

it’s it’s the first one we used getting

it going it’s going to run this line

here it’s gonna declare this your i/o

variable here and it’s going to pass it

in to fetch fetch is going to resolve or

or return promise and that is going to

go into this yield keyword and the

generator is gonna say like hey I don’t

know what this promise is I’m gonna pass

it to you run do something and give me

something back and this moves us down

here so this gives us this iteration

object and the promise is going to be

the value on the iteration object can

take that promise resolve that promise

using then

like any other promise so this X here in

the first run this is going to be the

response right response to make this a

bit more pedagogical and we are going to

pass that into the next of iterator and

that brings us back to this yield over

here so this is not going into the

response here and we down here is

calling dot Jason on the response object

which will give us another promise which

the generator will again yield out with

to the run function and that is what

happens down here it’s going to get

another iterator here which we extract

into another promise and we do the exact

same thing here resolve it into a new

value so this is going to be the post

and we pass it into the iterator again

as an argument to next and that brings

us back over here yield is going to pass

out this post there and then we execute

a title and then we echo it out and then

we’re here so our run function works for

this specific case because we only have

to yield statements but let’s imagine

that we had like 10 of them then this

wouldn’t work because we will just get a

big pyramid where we just then inside of

this and this so let’s make a recursive

we’re getting a problem here because

promise top then is not a function

because you know promise here it’s not

and it’s it’s not it this is actually a

string so if eat the raishin dot done

yes Shakir like we have this run at the

end run resulted in Valhalla and that is

being a career out here as well run

resulted in do blue blue blue blue blue

blue blue blue awesome let’s make this

here like shove this thing here clean

this up a bit ah indent this here so far

we talked about what generators are and

and we have now looked a bit how to use

them but it’s not clear why yeah

sometimes when I’m explaining

programming concepts on the show I have

I have a clear reason for doing so I’m

super excited about the concept and I

can tell you why that is not the case in

when it comes to generators so when it

comes to programming there’s a lot of

things out there right

even the features being officially

implemented into JavaScript I mean just

because we’ve done that it doesn’t mean

that it’s necessarily a good idea

generators are certainly very cool and

they they allow you to do this treat a

synchronous code sort of like you’re

writing a synchronous code which is like

it there’s something about that that is

very appealing but on the other hand I

feel like promises you know here like

the this if you look at this this

implementation here it’s not really

rocket science I feel like promises are

or are fine like there are problems with

them of course but I don’t feel like

this is like a big massive improvement

generators has this smarty pants why to

them I think they are very very clever

and cool solution to a problem but I’m

not genuinely convinced that it actually

simplifies things but again I’m not sure

it might be that there just hasn’t been

an implementation of this that I have

found compelling or that there’s simply

something that I’m not seeing there

might be something in generators or

there might not be either way I would

love to have a discussion on this what

what do you think uh either leave a

comment down below or perhaps up vote

someone else’s comment that you thought

were insightful on the subject you have

watched an episode of fun fun function I

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