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Fast code is NOT important – FunFunFunction #27

good Monday morning I am mpj and this is

fun fun function so today I want us to

think about performance the very

clickbait the title of this video is

fast code is not important what is

important is fast user experience there

is a relationship between the two but

it’s not as strong as you would think

even though we as programmers would

really like it to be on an emotional

level it would be like it seems to me

like if I just write performant code all

the way through and follow all the rules

then my app will be fast right that

seems like the way it should be but as

we often learn in life the universe is a

weird and unpredictable place and things

are not so at all as we think that they

should be before I get into this video I

want to make crystal clear so that

nobody misunderstands me here that I

think that performance software

performance is extremely important but I

do think that a lot of developers have a

much too simplistic and a narrow view of

what performance is and that is what

this video is going to be about I

believe that one of the main aspects

that sets an adult aside from a child is

that the adult is aware that he or she

is inside a context both the adult and

the child has a a conceptual model of

the world set of understandings or

beliefs or sets of principles but the

thing that sets the adult and child

apart is that the adult is aware of

their context the people around them the

limitations of the current situation for

instance a child learns early on that

you should be nice to others that’s a

good heuristic of dealing with other

humans you should be nice to them but

it’s not quite a universal truth because

there are people that are not nice and

will not respond well to nice and

sometimes you

we’ll have to be not nice to them so

perhaps you expand the rule to being be

nice to people as long as they’re nice

to you but over time you learn as a

child that there might be exceptions

even to that rule because sometimes nice

people are being manipulative or perhaps

the nice people just simply want

something else and you do on your

interest or in conflict and and it might

not be possible to be nice the world is

a really complex place and we have these

simplified models in our heads that help

us to reason about the world if real

life doesn’t go according to the mental

model that will cause a lot of

disappointment in you and a child who is

not used to their school threw a tantrum

a mature person that one that we

consider an adult and a leader they are

also disappointed because they also have

a mental model but they know that the

mental model is just a model and doesn’t

really correspond to the to the actual

world and they know how to adapt when

their mental model breaks down when I

say child and adult I I’m speaking in a

more general sense and just growing up

and becoming larger and more of age I’m

talking about learning things in general

for instance I dance the Lindy Hop

sometimes it’s a couple’s dance and when

you first learn that they teach you a

very simplified set of rules of how to

how to dance it’s not really the dance

it’s just a very simplified form of the

dance but the simplified model allows

you to reason about the dance and and

and have it not overwhelm you at that

phase but as you grow you learn that

these rules are a lot more flexible than

you were initially led to believe and

that’s okay in the beginning we had

simple rules so that you would not be

overwhelmed but as you grow you need to

be able to become more flexible and


and things holistically I made a video a

while back on factory functions which is

an alternative simpler version to create

objects in JavaScript rather than using

the prototype or classes and the most

common response to that video is people

asking aren’t the prototype doesn’t the

prototype have better performance

characteristics and memory

characteristics than factory functions

and the answer to that is yes but only

if you view it in this little

constrained simplified situation in a

real life application things like that

or just not gonna matter there is a site

that you have probably seen it’s called

J’s perf comm where you can write little

JavaScript snippets and put them

side-by-side and have them execute

millions and millions of times next to

each other and then you see like which

one was the fastest so people write

these micro benchmarks next to each

other find out the the one that is

fastest and then they do blog posts and

they post saying that this is the way

you should for Strings or this is the

way you should create objects because

this is the fastest and this is all very

alluring to me as a human because it

gives me this unambiguous way of doing

things the optimal way but there are two

problems with looking at operation

performance like this you know that the

time it takes to perform this single

type of operation optimizing that the

first problem is that javascript

compilers are pretty smart for me there

are many cases where I’ve written

insanely inefficient code and just with

the excuse that I yeah I just can try

this and then optimize it later because

that really needs to be optimized and

only to realize that the code runs

insanely fast for no obvious reasons but

probably because it was being optimized

by the v8 compiler into something really

really performant automatically and also

there is a lot of competition going on

among compilers especially in the job

script community so uh one thing that is

slow today might not be slow next week

it’s so hard to look at a given piece of

code and tell if that is going to be

inefficient or not because they’re so

much more going on underneath you when

it comes to single operation performance

you just have to accept that you don’t

really know if something is gonna be

fast or not because even if you’ve read

some blog post saying that this is slow

that might have changed since then or

the particulars of your applications

will make it easy to before the Optima

compiler to optimize but the second

problem is much bigger and that is that

focusing on a single operation gives us

this kind of tunnel vision which makes

us forget the more cohesive whole

thinking about the factory functions

versus prototypes example factory

functions are about 30% slower than

prototypes and you might think that wow

that’s a lot until you consider the fact

that they are both insanely fast whoa


so my phone can create 643 million

JavaScript objects per second we live in

the future but those are simple objects

perhaps they are more complicated and

you have more memory considerations and

perhaps you genuinely do need to create

millions of objects per second you’re

doing some 3d thing in JavaScript or


I don’t know let’s just say do if you’re

in that situation it might be wise to

look into how you can create every orbit

more effectively but it’s more likely

that it’s better for you to think about

can I avoid creating this many objects

in the first place and this leads us

into algorithmic performance algorithm

is a fancy word in programming – it’s

almost synonymous with approach let’s

say that you have a list and you need to

find an item in that list a naive


would be just going through the list all

the way until you find the item and then

you return it you might make that

algorithm more efficient by you could

for instance sort the list keep it

sorted and that way you can be clever

about where you start searching in the

list because we know that an item can’t

be in some areas for instance or if

you’re creating many millions of objects

per second you might be able to cut that

number of items down if you only draw

the objects that are on screen at a

given time for instance this is often

referred to as time complexity or just

efficiency in algorithms you’re not so

concerned with how much memory or how

much performance each individual step

takes you are more interested in making

sure that those steps doesn’t happen in

the first place

algorithmic performance is a lot more

sensible way of thinking about

performance rather than looking at micro

benchmarks on J’s perf

but it still suffers from the same

problem in that it it has this

simplified alluring view of the world it

gives us the ability to break a problem

down into this simplified model that we

can just reason about and we can make it

better and we can feel good about it and

I can really relate to that algorithms

are fun they are and that is also what

makes them a bit dangerous because in

most cases an algorithm doesn’t live on

its own unless you’re an academic

developing yet for a paper it will live

inside a bigger system a big system that

it’s probably gonna be millions of lines

of code and because you know humans grow

old on our time on this earth is limited

you’re just not gonna have the time to

write all the code in the perfectly

optimal way so you need to know how to

direct your efforts so when you optimize

you need to know what parts of the code

are hot and what I mean by that is what

parts of the the execute

what execution paths are taken by the

user a lot if you spend a lot of your

time optimizing some loading code and

that loading code is only used in the

settings dialog which the user will only

go into once or twice a year that will

be a very bad investment of your time it

might actually be a better use of your

time optimizing saving 50 milliseconds

of the time it takes to open the menu

for instance because that might be

something that user uses a lot in the

end the only sensible criteria to use

for the performance of an application is

to ask the user does this feel fast and

once you identify parts of the

application where it doesn’t feel fast

for the user you yes you can put your

tunnel-vision there instead and locate

like okay this this this view here this

is not loading quite a snap yes it

should be why and then you hit the

profiler I am a firm believer that fast

applications are born in the profiler

nowhere else it’s almost impossible to

write code upfront that is it’s going to

be make the application fast instead you

have to look at the cookies the cohesive

product and figure out which parts of

are slow and eliminate them one by one

so in summary I would like you to keep

at the back of your mind that fast code

does not equal fast software think about

the performance of your app holistically

and don’t get caught up in pieces of

code leave you with links to three

excellent videos that I would like you

to watch the first one is a taught by M

R olive who is this amazing Russian

compiler engineer that it’s a hilarious

talk you really need to watch it the

second talk is a talk by Paul Lewis from

Google who is an amazingly funny guy and

really really good speaker and he talks

about something that he calls rail which

is has nothing

do with Ruby on Rails its instead of a

way of thinking about performance

what is slow what does that mean and the

third one is a more meaty video where

they show how to do raelynne in practice

using the chrome developer tools and

don’t skimp on this even if you’re not a

web developer because these principles

are really good in general I am mpj and

this was an episode of fun fun function

and I make these episodes every Monday

morning so you should subscribe so that

you don’t miss the next one if you’ve

already done that and you don’t want to

wait for the next one you can click here

to see if one of the other episodes

tickles your fancy until next Monday morning stay curious

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