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Examples of this and bind – Object Creation in JavaScript P2 – FunFunFunction #44

good Monday morning IM mpj and you are

watching fun fun function today we’re

going to look at examples of this and

vine this video is part of a series on

object creation in JavaScript this video

is for you if you are coming to

JavaScript from another programming

language you’re somewhat familiar with

object orientation you know what classes

and inheritance is but you are a bit

confused about how that is applied in

JavaScript specifically you will get

much more out of this video if you watch

the full series from the start you can

find a link to the full series playlist

with the full series in the episode

description so in the last episode we

explore this and bind reading the

comments on the last video it’s it’s

clear that while some people did have an

aha moment around this it’s also clear

that for a lot of you it just didn’t

quite click it is really really

important that we understand the concept

of this in order to fully understand how

the object model works in JavaScript so

I’m going to spend this video yes

churning out a lot of examples with this

and bind so in the last episode we

talked about the this keyword the this

keyword is a special keyword that you

can use in functions so this episode is

going to be all about this but before we

do that I’m going to we’re going to

begin with just a normal function that

doesn’t use this we’re gonna call it

talk and it’s talk is going to take this

sound and it’s going to log that sound

out to the console ah do and I’m going

to call talk and I’m going to pass it

like whoo let’s run that

no don’t example jazz woof okay now let

me delete the call here and I will

remove the talk the parameter to talk

and in

Stan I am going to try to access the

property sound on this so what is this

well the word this in JavaScript

actually means exactly the same thing it

does in English it doesn’t mean anything

without some context if you say to a

friend I don’t like this well they have

to infer from the context that you both

are in what you mean by this let’s see

what happens if I I call a talk here

like right away let’s run that node

examples of jazz undefined

why does line to here why does this

output undefined well it’s because uh

this let me remove the sound property

and run the code again you see that aha

okay this has like all these set

immediate settings of a console like

this is the global object this is uh if

this was this is node but if it was a

browser it would be the window object so

this this is this refers to the global

object and when you think about it it’s

not completely nonsensical I mean we’re

we’re calling talk here without any

other kind of context so the global

object the window object am not

completely nonsensical that it would be

this it’s a little misunderstanding

between you and the compiler and you

know misunderstandings they happen in

real life as well

you might have a friend over for dinner

and they say I don’t like this and you

say oh you don’t like the pasta

carbonara that I made for you no no the

pasta is great but your Jack Russell

Terrier Mike is is humping my leg under

the table I don’t like that so in order

to know that this is context is

important so let’s go back to adding

sound here so there are a couple of ways

that JavaScript will try to figure out

what you as a developer meant by this in

the last episode we talked about how you

can do it with bind so I’m gonna create

a Boromir object here for Amir from the

board of rings

Boromir and Boromir oh god I have a new

keyboard I’m not used to it and he says

he has the sound of the one does not

simply walk into Mordor I think I can

actually increase the size of this on

even more so now we are going to use

bind to create a copy of talk where this

is bound to the Boromir object so I’m

going to let uh I’m gonna call it talk

bound to four here and I’m going to call

top dot find a dot or Mir and I am going

to call talk to or Mir down let’s run

that no dot examples chaos one does not

simply walk into Mordor own on i/o fixed

one does not simply walk into Mordor

exclamation mark and notice that bind

does not mess with the talk function and

the talk bound Boromir this is a copy if

I call talk here let’s run that the

second call is going to be undefined

this is going to be undefined this is

going to work because this function is a

copy of talk where we have bound this to

a specific value or Muir well talk is

still like the vanilla function and when

we call that this is going to have to be

inferred and since we’re calling it in

the global context here this is going to

be the global the window object vine is

a way to be extremely explicit about

what we mean by this another way is to

place a reference to the function as a

property on an object can I do this here

place talk as a property on unborn male

called speak we could have called this

talk as well this property but I’m going

to call it speak just to illustrate that

all we were passing round function here

like just just like any other value it’s

very important to understand that in

JavaScript functions are just values

that you can pass around just like you

would pass around a number string or

boolean or or object in fact I think

that I’m going to do this instead you

can do this this might illustrate it

better so that the variable talk is we

assign this function signature to talk

and then we assign talk here as a

property called speak on boromir and now

if we call or Amir here dot talk let’s

run that boromir dot talk is not a

function no that’s true haha it’s it’s

peek that’s reassigned

why does not simply walk into Mordor so

when we do something like this we could

we are calling a property here a

property on an object of property on

boromir and when we do this javascript

can reasonably infer that we meant to

like that this should be bomber in in

this in this function that seems

reasonable at least that’s the way it

works now I’m nagging about this but I

really want to like stress that nothing

special is happening to the talk

function on this line all that happens

is that a a reference to the talk

function is being assigned as a property

nothing about the talk function is being

changed so if I if I call talk here call

the vanilla talk let’s run that it’s

going to be undefined

the first call here here it uses a

boromir as

this but here it will use the global the

window object as this and this makes

sense because here we are calling speak

as a reference on the Borah mirror

object and this is because here we are

calling it as a property on the boromir

object and then javascript in first that

we mean to use boromir as this but here

we are calling just talk the vanilla

function in the context of the global

window and it’s using this as a window

so speak and talk here they are

referring to the same function it’s not

even a copy it is literally the same

function to prove that to you I am going

to assign bore or a mere dot speak here

to a varial variable called blabber BAM

and I’m going to call bladder run it

no dot examples undefined and that is

because blabber here it refers to the

same function it has been passed around

a lot your talk and hear and speak and

then to blabber but it’s still a

reference to the same function all this

reassignment here it doesn’t change this

of the function anywhere at all

javascript won’t care about that because

it will in the end evaluate and figure

out what this is

at the time we call it unless of course

we have used bind we can use bind to

create a copy of a function it’s just

like the original function but where

this is bound to a specific value let me

do this I’m going to go talk of 5.0

mirror on that no dot sample Stooges ooh

Boromir is not defined ah it’s because

Boromir does not yet exist here because

this in this statement we are this is

the segment that

a science boromir so our mayor does not

exist at this point so I will need to

delete this and instead assign speak

once Boromir exists or Amir dots equals

one does not simply walk into Mordor let

me go back I’m going to comment that

find out so we just assign the vanilla

talk now run it again and now it’s


what bang does is to create a new copy

of talk but it’s almost the same stalk

but it has the difference that this will

now always refer to Boromir will always

be bound to Boromir so even though we’re

passing it around here and are calling

it without having it as a property on on

Boromir it’s still going to be Boromir

that is this and yes to show you that

it’s not modifying the original top

function I’m going to a call talk here

after blabber and let’s run that note

examples of jazz and you see that the

first call the one R that is calling the

bound function is one does not simply

walk into Mordor and the second is

undefined blabber is going to print one

does not simply walk into Mordor

because blabber has been bound to

Boromir talk however is just the

referring to the vanilla object so which

has not been bound in any way so here

it’s just going to fall back to using

the global the window object as as this

and that window object does not have a

property sound which means that it will

print undefined I’m going to show

another example to trying to get this to


let’s go back where we had talked as a

property on on Boromir speak don’t oh

let’s call it blabber this time blab

blab labarbera I’m going to make a

Gollum objects ah continuing the Lord of

the Rings theme his sound it’s of course

going to be my precious hope that’s how

it spells pay attention he is going to

have a property called jabber and that

property is going to point to Boromir

don’t blabber Wow try to anticipate and

try to figure out without me running it

what will happen if I call Gollum dot

jabber did you guess correctly no dot

examples of jazz I pray this is horribly

confusing code and you should never do

anything like this in a real codebase

what I’m showing this to you in order to

hammer it into our skulls that functions

are just values they live on their own

what this refers to is it’s determined

at the time of the call it’s it’s

context sensitive and it has to be

because a function doesn’t have just one

this it’s context sensitive a function

is just a value so it can be passed

around a function can be placed as a

property on an object it can be are

assigned to a variable or it can be

passed as an argument to a function a

function in JavaScript is it’s just like

a sentence in in English a normal

language for instance like the sentencer

this is a great ride can be said when

sitting in a car or sitting in a

rollercoaster and it will

mean different things and in the same

way a function can be called in multiple

contexts you cannot really say upfront

what this is without knowing where the

function is called unless you have used

bind to create a new function where this

is bound to a specific value that is all

I got you have watched an episode of fun

fun function this is a programming show

that I release every Monday morning this

particular video is part of a series

that I’m doing on object creation in

JavaScript you can find a link to a

place of the full series in the episode

description of the channel it also has a

bunch of other fun stuff check out the

channel below and you like if it’s

something that you like you might want

to consider subscribe or maybe even

follow me on Twitter

I am mpj until next Monday morning stay curious

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