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ES6 Tutorial – #1 Intro

hey guys my name is Alex and I’d like to
welcome you to my brand new YouTube
video series about a concept 2015 so
ACMA script 2015 also known as es 2015
or es6 is essentially a language
specification that’s been developed by
AB mature national in June 2015
now F construed 2015 was actually a
major leap forward for JavaScript
because prior to that most of the
industry was using an older JavaScript 5
specification that was developed in 2009
so when JavaScript or echo strip 2015
was released in 2015 it introduced a
bunch of new features and actually a
whole new syntax for JavaScript so some
of the new features were classes modules
arrow functions promises and whatnot
there’s been quite a few more features
and language additions they were going
to cover throughout the series but I
want to keep this video short and I just
want to give you so like a quick
introduction into ACMA script what it
stands for what it means and why we
actually care about it as JavaScript
developers so going back to this
document ACMA script like I said is
basically a language specification so
just so that we understand the
difference between atma script and
JavaScript eggman script is essentially
a standardized version of javascript so
like a blueprint for the language that
describes the standards or describes the
rules or the guidelines that javascript
needs to follow in order to be
compatible with that standard so
javascript as you probably know is the
actual language so it’s a
general-purpose programming language
that we the developers actually write a
code end and javascript is also a
language that follows the ACMA script
specification so I know it might be a
little bit confusing at first and if
it’s sort of like still not clear to you
or if you want to learn more there’s
actually an article that I found a
medium that talks about all the
different terminology around JavaScript
and Eklund script and explains all of
that in great detail so if you’re
confused if you want to learn more
definitely go check out the article and
it’s going to provide you with a lot of
useful information so the next thing
that we want to consider is that we want
to make sure
that the websites or web applications
that we develop in JavaScript are cross
browser compatible because the thing is
we don’t actually know what browser the
aunt client or the end user is going to
use so the problem that we’re faced with
is that es6 features even though they’re
pretty attractive and appealing to us as
developers well they don’t actually have
full support on older browsers such as
Internet Explorer so in order to tackle
that problem there’s a tool that’s
called Babel and Babylon or library that
allows you to transform es6 code into
es5 code so the general or typical
workflow would basically go as follows
so yours the developer you write your
code in es6 using all the latest and the
greatest features of JavaScript you
write your code in an editor let’s say
sublime or Adam and when you’re done
writing your code you basically run it
through a compiler through babel using a
command line and babel what it’s gonna
do is basically it’s gonna turn your es6
code into es5 code while still keeping
it functionally equivalent so at the end
of the day you’re gonna get an echo
script five code that’s supported by
most of the browsers including the older
ones like Internet Explorer and that
code is gonna be suitable for production
so you as a developer you want to be
able to be able to use all the latest
features while also make sure that your
code is compatible with the production
environment and that code can be run on
older browsers so Bible is exactly the
tool that allows you to do that now if
you’re still sort of like confused about
echo script or Java so if you’re not
sure whether you need to use es6 or you
need to care about it or you want to
learn it well there’s quite a few
reasons to consider actually there’s
been quite a few years actually since
atma script 2015 has been released and
obviously javascript as you can see if
we go back to this table in wikipedia
javascript is an evolving language and
especially in the last few years you can
see here that there’s been quite a few
releases of javascript so they’ve been
at most people six seven and eight
throughout the past few years
this sort of like indicates that
JavaScript is is an evolving language is
being actively developed and the
JavaScript community has been very
active in the past few years well the
new JavaScript frameworks coming out and
whatnot so if you’re still confused
about it well JavaScript echo strip 2015
is already pretty mature and as you can
see from this table it’s already
supported in most of the major modern
browsers such as edge Chrome or Safari
so the lesson you want to take is that
es2015 is a mature and widely adopted
standard and honestly speaking if you
want to be a JavaScript developer in the
long term if you want to develop
JavaScript applications or enhance
websites with JavaScript you should
definitely consider familiarizing
yourself with the evidence of 2015
specification because JavaScript as
you’ve seen is an evolving language and
there’s new specifications on the way so
it’s gonna be evolving it’s gonna be
growing and you should make sure that
you understand I can strip 2015 because
it has got quite a few major changes to
the specification and that’s basically
the reason why you need to know it so
this is basically it for the
introduction thanks a lot for checking
out this video and I’ll see you next time

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