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Destructuring: What, Why and How – Part 1 of ES6 JavaScript Features

hello today we are embarking on a new

video series we are going to learn the

new JavaScript features as a group these

features have many names on the

interwebs es6 ACMA script 6 harmony es

2015 either way we’re going to learn

them one feature one short video at a

time and today we are learning about de

structuring what it is

why it’s a good thing and of course how

to use it what is this structuring

destructuring is a new feature of

JavaScript that allows you to break

apart key structure stuff into variables

let me show you an example look at this

animal object it subspecies dog it has a

weight and it makes a move sound let’s

assign two of the properties to local

whoo what happened here

the dog says woo so there’s some stuff

going on what we’re doing here is that

we are D structuring the animal object

into two local variables species and

sound so when we do this the properties

sound and species are assigned to local

variables giving us the ability to

access them here here

that’s essentially what destructuring

does you probably also notice that I’m

not running vanilla note here I’m using

something called Bubble Bobble is super

cool because it allows you to use

JavaScript features from the future in a

node and in browsers it integrates into

basically everything called grunt

browserify whatever you’re using or in

this case I can just use it in console

and pipe it to note so what I am doing

is that I’m fighting the bubbled man and

my javascript file with es6 javascript

in it bubble will compile that to normal

java scripts ACMA script file basically

let me just show you how that looks

without typing to note if you compare

the bubble output here with line seven

in the example job JS file you’ll see

that our atmos crypt 6 destructuring

here has just been compiled down to xmas

55 and this is also a good way of seeing

what the hell is happening we’re going

to talk about how to use this in just a

minute but first I want to spend some

time talking about why you want to use

this the most common use case or

destructuring is to make it easier to

deal with option objects by option

objects I mean objects that you pass to

a function which is a single object that

might or might not contain

several properties if you have dealt

with the Ajax function in jQuery you

recognize that pattern now look at this

code we are calling a function called

make sound and we are passing in an

options object this is just an object

literal where the few properties species

dog weight 23 and sound woof we’re first

gonna implement the make sound function

without using the structure e so make

sound takes an options object and it’s

let’s run that since we don’t use any

ActionScript six functions yet we don’t

need to mess with bubbles Oreos I don’t

sample J s and the dog says woof I’m

going to make the example a little bit

more complicated we’re going to make

species and optional property on the

options object I’ll remove species from

the options object being passed in exam

what is that the undefined says what

well we can’t have that we won’t take

the fault value so we go options

stop species the test option species if

it exists otherwise it will be an E and

we run that the animal says woof so

let’s talk about problems with this code

this is just a silly little example but

if this function was part of an actual

program it would be a lot bigger so you

have to remember that all the problems

that we are going to talk about with

this code are going to be a lot bigger

an actual piece of software first of all

we notice that there’s a lot of

repetitions we refer to options here a

lot it is also a bit hard to scan

because everything is prefixed with

these options references the code would

be more readable if they weren’t there

look at this this is a lot more readable

than this it’s also hard to see what

make sound needs just by looking at

I can I actually have to go down into

the function and see that okay it needs

sound and I Nick Nick species I can’t

just see that from makes up and if this

was bigger again I would have to go

digging in the function and that’s bad

some of these problems are solvable

without these structuring by just

declaring variables at the top of the

and then we can remove these option

references this is a bit better there

are few references it is a bit easier to

scan I can just see species

samp immediately it is also a lot

clearer what the function needs species

sound because there at the top of the

function but let’s see if we can do this

even better with this structure right so

let’s comment this out for comparison

from options we also need to handle that

barbone sample dot j ass pipe that note

the animals since woof still dress and

now you’re telling me well that is not

that much shorter right it’s it’s still

two lines it’s 64 characters versus 169

characters it’s only like a few

character shorter very astute of you but

what if I told you that you could do

destructuring in the method signature

and assign default values in it


okay let’s delete this crummy code here

and we’re gonna move this into the

function signature here and we are gonna

remove this and remove that and run it

the animal still says that is how you do

this structure now there is even more

cool stuff to do with the structuring

you can destructured properties in two

variables even if they are nested

several layers deep and you are not

limited to destructuring objects you can

also destructor arrays but I’ll leave

all that up to your curiosity today we

have learned the what why and how of

these structuring we’ve learned that in

structuring is an equi script six

feature that allows you to break an

object or array up into variables and

we’ve also seen that it’s really handy

when you’re dealing with option objects

and we’ve seen some examples of how to

do the structuring in this series I want

to cover new and interesting JavaScript

features so what do you guys want to see

me cover next time comment down below or

send me a tweet at MP Jamie and make

sure that you don’t miss out on the next

episode subscribe by clicking there ish

on my face and or follow me on Twitter until next time stay curious

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