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bind and this – Object Creation in JavaScript P1 – FunFunFunction #43

good Monday morning I am mpj and you are

watching fun fun function this video is

a video series on object creation in

JavaScript I will not be teaching

general object orientation principles

this video is for you if you’re already

familiar with object orientation but you

are confused how to apply it to

JavaScript specifically at the end of

this series you will hopefully if I do

my job right be a lot less confused

about the prototype classes fine object

dot create modules factories

constructors and all that this first

episode will start out very basic we

will be looking at how the this keyword

works with object literals and bind that

is it

so why begin with this and bind

specifically well it’s because it’s very

important to understand this and bind

before we try to tackle anything else

because they are very fundamental to how

object creation works in JavaScript if

we don’t understand bind almost nothing

about object creation in JavaScript is

going to make sense

first of all let’s talk a little bit

about the state of JavaScript so first

of all there is something um bit

emotionally taxing that we will need to

tackle right away there is no right way

to do object creation in JavaScript one

of the strongest feelings I remember

from when I was first learning

JavaScript was asking myself how do I

create a class and you start reading

about it and it is this rabbit hole

where you try to understand what a

prototype is and what’s worse is that

there are different opinions on how to

create a class and different opinions on

whether or not you should create a class

at all and you get very confused and

this what I’m doing on this is going to

be very very hard for your soul to deal


so you need to give it some time because

your soul will want javascript to be

like python python is a language that is

very tightly controlled by a single

Dutch middle-aged white guy and he

decides what is the right way of going

about things in Python JavaScript is

different JavaScript is arguably the

biggest programming language in the

world and it’s also pretty old it’s been

around for 21 years senior e c.o

it’s raining a lot I’m not sure of you

hear it but I need to close my window

which is sad because I think that the

sound of rain is like the best sound

ever but I’m afraid that it will mess up

the sound

anyway biggest programming language 21

years like seniority it comes with its


javascript is installed on goddamn

everything and there will be free

pre-written packages for doing goddamn

everything – it’s good being on top but

there’s also some baggage that comes

with it some languages like JavaScript

are standardized there really isn’t a

default JavaScript environment

javascript is not like Java or Python

where you can go – you can’t go to

JavaScript org and download JavaScript

no JavaScript has for all very good

competing engines it made by Google

Microsoft Apple and Mozilla this is

possible because it is a standard but in

order for there to be a standard these

companies all need to sit down and agree

on how the language should look a

process like that requires compromise

and that is why there are a lot of

different ways of going about things in

JavaScript because you know people and

organizations are different and we have

to get along with that long digression I

just want to say that in order for you

to learn how

object orientation works in JavaScript

you need to accept that there isn’t a

right way to do object orientation in

JavaScript instead you will need to

learn how object creation really works

in language and then figure out what is

the best for you for your team and for

your set of problems I promise that I

would teach you about bind in this

episode so let’s look at some code let’s

okay so we have an object literal here

dog it has a property sound that we have

set to the string woof and we have a

method named talk which prints out our

the the sound property to the console so

when we call dog talk we get woof so

this is the kind of essence of what I

mean when I say an object in the context

of this series it doesn’t necessarily

have to be a class or something with

prototype or anything it means that we

have some some functionality like torque

that is bundled with some date and type

some data like woof so looking at this

code even if you you are coming from a

non JavaScript environment this is

probably not going to confuse you too

much you might think it a little weird

that you can instantiate a dog just like

this without declaring it a type and

instantiating it but overall this code

is probably not going to confuse you too

much but let me fix that for you I am

going to let talk function equals dog

talk and then I’m going to call talk

when you first run across this you’re

probably thinking something in the lines

of what the shade ass and that’s

okay that’s a normal reaction that

feeling of confusion it’s your friend it

means you’re learning let’s just calmly

have a look at what happened so we took

the dog talk method and we reassigned it

to a variable and then we called that

variable and that returned undefined for

some reason let’s first talk about the

fact that in JavaScript I can assign a

function to a variable because this is

not something like you can do we know

programming languages you can do this

because JavaScript it’s not only a

object-oriented programming language

JavaScript is also a functional

programming language let me give you a

history lecture on the background of

JavaScript the first version of

JavaScript was created by another

middle-aged white guy his name was

Brendan Eich and he was sort of lured

into this project by being promised that

he would be allowed to create scheme in

the browser scheme by the way is a very

cool functional programming language

that he liked a lot but as the project

started to take form his manager asked

him – can you make it look a little bit

more like Java because at that time Java

was actually considered to be a cool

programming language this was 1995 and

cellphones looked like this and Jay Leno

co-hosted the windows 95 launch so it

turns out that JavaScript is this

bastard bastard child of scheme and Java

and I know what you’re thinking what the

she does but you need to learn to

love this thing

you need to learn to love JavaScript

because it’s going to stay here for a

very long time and just like with your

human best friends you need to accept

their quirks in order to really

appreciate them but either way because

javascript has this scheme heritage it

also has higher-order functions

higher-order functions is an amazing

feature and it allows us to do a ton of

really really cool functional

programming in JavaScript are you have

an episode and actually a whole series

on explaining why higher-order functions

is such a good thing and how they work

you can find it by clicking in the upper

right corner on the I you can also find

it in the episode description but you


check that out later what’s important in

this context is that functions like dog

talk like this one or values like any

other value like string or number so I

can stuff them into a variable just like

I would be able to with a string but in

this code example here this mysterious

undefined that we get here it’s an

example of how the object-oriented

nature of JavaScript clashes with its

function oriented nature in languages

that are orient around functions like

schemas there is no concept of this this

the concept of this or self that it’s

not there but in object-oriented

languages like Java this is absolutely

essential for the language to work when

we are reassigning a method to a

variable like this it is now no longer a

method it is just a function it has kind

of ceased to be a method connected to an

object is now just a free-flowing

function so when you call it here this

is no longer going to be the dog it has

kind of ceased to be you’re not exactly

cease to be but it has lost its

connection to the dog object it’s going

to be like execute here and it’s going

to come to this but this it’s no longer

going to be the dog if I inline this

code like it might help you understand

it better

I’m going to put this here and paste it

in so we call talk function here and

it’s going to execute this here but like

this there is no there is no this really

in this context is yes duh yes the

function right see so in a function that

this keyword it does not refer to like

the context where the function was

defined it refers to the context where

the function is being called however we

can bind it to that

context by using the function bind me

show you how that looks like I’m going

to just do this very explicitly and call

it bound function ad and going to talk

function like dot bind and I’m going to

bind it to the dock and now I’m going to

change this call to be bound function

and now this is going to console log out


all right so bind here is going to take

the talk function and it’s going to

return a new function here that has

bound dog to the this keyword so bind

forces this to be dog in this case and

it is because of this funkiness that you

will run across bind in a lot of

JavaScript code let me simulate an

example that looks a little bit more

like a a real world example so let’s say

so here we assign the talk method to the

click handler of the button but when the

click handler is being called this it’s

not going to be the dog it’s going to be

the window object actually because that

is where the add event listeners are

being triggered but that’s kind of

beside the point point is that it’s not

the dog therefore people will solve this

by here where they will type bind joke

so now what is being passed into the

Advent listener function is not the

vanilla Talk function instead it’s going

to be a new function which has bound

this to the dog if you have made it this

for good job you have learned a little

bit about bind which is one of the most

tricky parts about JavaScript to

understand and we’ve learned a little

bit of history which helps us understand

why JavaScript looks the way it does

I’ve talked a lot now I want to ask you


what do you want to see next because you

know this is a video series and I have

not yet decided what to talk about next

and I figured that I just asked you what

confuses you about object creation in

JavaScript what some what concepts would

you like to have cleared up write a

comment down below and I shall be happy

to oblige I will also be putting all the

episodes in this series in a playlist

which you can find by clicking the I in

the upper right corner or in the episode

description you have watched an episode

of fun fun function this is a

programming show that I release every

Monday morning o 800 GMT you can check

out the channel below and look at the

videos and see if it’s something that

you would consider subscribing to it

would make me very happy

and if you really really liked it you

might also want to follow me on Twitter

I am mpj this is fun fun function until

next Monday morning stay curious you

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