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Behind the Scenes – FunFunFunction #22

good Monday morning I’m MP J and this is

fun fun function today we are going to

do a little behind-the-scenes I’m gonna

show you how I make these videos because

I’ve gotten a lot of requests for that

lately and the thought of having more

people do programming youtubing on on

YouTube that excites me a lot because

this doing this channel has been it’s

probably the best thing I have ever done

in my life it has been so beneficial to

my career it has been so rewarding and

the thought of bringing that to other

people that excites me a lot so I want

to I want to do something for the people

asking that I realize that this might

not be interesting to everyone on this

channel but if you are one of those I

suggest that you can come back next week

and watch the regularly scheduled

content or you can find one of the

previous episodes they own a lot of them

and find one that tickles your fancy I’m

gonna show you a lot of tooling and here

during this video and I really want to

stress that all this stuff is very

secondary to your process most important

thing with youtubing or any kind of

creation is to just get started just get

going don’t spend time reading over gear

or language choice it’s much more

important that you get started and get

time in with practice because that is

going to improve your filmmaking or your

programming way more than any gear will

do this is my handheld camera I will be

talking about this later so let me uh

give you a full sense of my setup here

so this is what it looks like the first

thing I want to talk about is this body

right here this is the most important

thing that you can spend money on this

is a blue Yeti mic this is the first

thing that I bought and I still think

that was a good first first investment

sound is just incredibly important and

it will do wonders for your videos ah

next up I want to talk about these these

things these are soft lights they are

just sheep supplies from the Swedish

equivalent of RadioShack there’s nothing

special about these soft lights but as

you see they are very important so let

me turn them back on again to give you a

sense of so you see like huh from that

and there so that is why you have two of

them to the left here you can see that I

have a blackout curtain in front of my

it’s and the reason I do this is that

daylight daylight is totally the best

light that you can have if you can place

your desk in front of the daylight that

is that is a great light however it’s

often hard for you to position position

your recording gear so that it is so

that you get probed even daylight

you’ll see that I’m not getting a lot of

daylight and it’s also uneven in my face

and what’s more recording a video takes

a long time which means that you will be

the day the light will be changing while

you are recording so you your video will

be darker

darker overtime which is super annoying

so that is why I use one of those they

are really cheap you can get one at IKEA

for almost no money at all

it takes some it takes some time to get

used to having these in your face for a

couple of hours let me tell you that but

it’s the name of the game I also use a

little bit of makeup powder because of

this the delight is so strong that it if

you have any kind of sweat of your face

it reflects like Christian you can just

go into any makeup store and tell them

about your problem and they will help

you speaking a little bit more about

blue Yeti you see here that I have these

this shaking like this ring that

protects it from vibration and it’s also

on on an arm the arm and the shock

absorber are relatively new additions to

my videos they don’t improve things that

much to be honest the reason I got them

was that the vibrations from me typing

well would propagate through the table

and into the into the microphone so

let’s talk about my camera I got a lot

of comments asking oh you have such

great video quality what camera do you

use is one of those questions where the

person wants to know one thing why I get

so high video quality but they make an

assumption that this is related to the

camera so they ask something that is

completely irrelevant the reason I have

a good video quality is because of these

soft lights that is what creates the

good video quality D the camera does not

have much to do with it but either way

this is the camera this is a very old

EOS 550d I use this camera because I

have it this camera is an older version

of the the camera that basically all

youtubers use which is called the t6i i

think and that is used because it has

amazingly good optics for the

and it has a flip-out screen my camera

does not have a flip-out screen but I

get around that by having connecting it

to the computer and using the EOS

utility to position myself before I

start recording that’s a bit cumbersome

but I just can’t rationalize spending

hundreds of dollars on a new camera just

to get that the tripod I have is a piece

of that I bought for no money at

all I don’t recommend it and in any way

it’s actually pretty horrible but it you

know it does the job because my camera

sits in the same position all the time

so I never need to adjust it I spend a

lot of time adjusting it once on this

shitty tripod and there it sits so it’s

fine I don’t need another tripod because

I don’t do a lot of adjusting the eos

line of cameras has a annoying annoying

aspect to them in that they can only

record for a certain amount of minutes

before they stop online it’s like twelve

minutes and on some of the more

expensive variants like the 70d it’s

thirty minutes but they stop I think

it’s a mesh of legal and technical

reasons but either way that’s the

limitation of them but it is very easily

to workaround by installing a custom

firmware on the camera called the magic

lantern which is amazing which basically

just when the camera goes out it just

bleeps and automatically restarts that

works fine for me because when I hear

the bleep if it’s an in the middle of a

sentence I just stop and repeat that

sentence it’s no problem at all anyway

that is how I record my face and my

voice let’s talk a little bit about how

I record my screen I used mind node to

sketch out my episodes but that is not

what we are talking about today we’re

talking about the technicalities of

making videos first of all I use a

software called uber layer to record or

not record but position this thing let

me get

and the reason I do this is so that I

can I can all sorry I need to change the

opacity of the uber layer making it less

transparent more transparent me so this

allows me to position the windows in a

nice way here and then this here to get

all the Crofts out of the way that I

don’t think is relevant to the recording

and then I do the same thing where I my

position terminal and it’s very

important with a huge-ass font or all

the people that are watching the the

episodes on their commute will be will

be annoyed usually I put this this

window here like I make it a little bit

bigger than the oh I want to point at

this this part here now

which brings me to most posts a

positioning terminal windows is evil

because otherwise they are too big or

they are too small so this is space here

right I have not figured out a good

solution for this yet it’s ah so

annoying and this is gonna be tricky now

because I’m gonna try to show you how I

record this using using QuickTime

QuickTime you just pick new screen

recording and you see here that I am

recording here from the blue Yeti

directly into this this movie and that

makes for really really easy editing

later later oh this is inception either

way I focus please

I hit record I tend to just do this deep

so I get this approximately and then we

hit start recording and now it’s

recording until I

escape to pull all this together

cropping the image and getting my face

in there and editing it I use Final Cut

Pro X if I was using Windows I would be

using Adobe Premiere some people have

asked me what to use if if you’re using

Linux and the answer is don’t use Linux

for video editing it’s the same way you

don’t use Mac’s for gaming it’s that’s

not what it’s good for when you have a

job pick the best tool for it don’t pick

the tool first some of you might wonder

why I’m not doing this in a

screencasting software of that like

ScreenFlow I started out using

ScreenFlow actually and ScreenFlow works

great when you’re using a webcam it’s

really well adapted for that specific

use case if you’re using a webcam and

you are recording your screen at the

same time and you’re doing screen

recording things that is that is a great

use case but I am NOT using a webcam I’m

using a proper camera and that is really

important to me and for that

ScreenFlow it it’s just a very bad

experience they yeah they just don’t

consider that I know that I said in the

beginning of this episode that cameras

don’t matter but there is a there is a

limit to that truth like if you’re using

a webcam you’re gonna feel limited I

started out using a webcam for this show

and I don’t regret that it was good that

I got started and didn’t postpone things

until I got a proper camera but it’s

really annoying that you can’t adjust

the the white balance of the camera so

you can decide what points are white

which means it kind of changes that all

the time as you move around so the

screen flickers and also you can’t

change the focus so if I if I move

around and stuff the camera would like

try to adjust the focus it’s like always

tied to autofocus and not manual focus

and like I’m using here and it was just

really annoying doesn’t have to

be the most expensive camera this is

again just an old DSLR but it is a

proper camera you might say that

oh but does really the image quality of

your face matter isn’t this about the

code isn’t this about the content yes

it’s partially about the content but I

think that it pays off to spend a little

time on lighting spend a little time on

making making your space look cozy

I want I want to have the audience feel

sort of like we’re hanging out at a

friend’s house doing a doing a weekend

coding project or something like that it

should feel personal I think it makes it

unnecessarily hard to relate to someone

if they use a crappy webcam and crappy

lighting and that’s why ScreenFlow

doesn’t work for me I need the external

camera therefore I use a combination of

QuickTime and Final Cut Pro X finally I

want to talk about this thing this

camera is insanely popular among

youtubers in general I’ve been starting

to do these walking talks where I just

walk around outside my home and chat

about programming stuff I started doing

them because I felt this a lot of times

where I just feel like talking I want to

talk about some soft subject because

programming is only to a very small

degree about coding often it’s about

communication or thinking about problems

or reasoning and yeah not about code but

it’s kind of boring to see someone just

talking to the camera in a room and I

think a lot better then I when I walk

around the first Walken talk that I did

I just used my my iPhone 6 that worked

out surprisingly well the both the

iPhone camera and the microphone is just

amazing for a phone but it’s only the

back camera that is good so when you

film yourself you don’t see how you’re

angling the camera which makes it hard

to keep yourself in frame that is really

the only reason why I go

this it’s because it has this flip out

screen which allows you to see yourself

I also have this cute little thing which

is a product called a micro muff to

protect against wind this is a great

little camera I but I only use it when I

move about when I’m at my desk I always

use the EOS because it it’s a lot better

camera but it is bulkier and it doesn’t

have this flip up screen and that’s it

that’s sort of the entirety of my setup

as it looks today if you have any

questions about things that I did not

cover please post them down below and I

will try to answer them the main reason

that I’m doing this video is because I

want more programmers to YouTube there’s

not a lot of programming content on

YouTube which i think is kind of weird

and insane and I think that we could

make programming a really big part of

YouTube because the the combination just

makes sense there’s a huge demand for

this I think that night my channel has

but it’s so popular in such a short time

so I think that it clearly shows that

there is such a big man for programming

videos so if you’re a person if you’re

vlogging or if you’re active in the

open-source community but you’re

thinking about how can I extend my

repertoire in social media to do

youtubing please reach out to me like

I’ve got a makeup special email address

here don’t send any other like if you’re

looking for advice in general but not

YouTube I will not respond this is just

to help youtubers program in the YouTube

specifically because I really want this

programming community on YouTube to grow

so if you’re a programmer indie thinking

AHA this youtubing sounds interesting

and get going get going this weekend

just to buy a microphone use your webcam

the first few times and see if you like

it and just get going just put something

out there I think that YouTube is such a

great way to teach other people and by

teaching other people also learn

yourself and I really think that we

could build a movement here on YouTube

so please join me in this and yeah well

I’m ranting

I’m mpj this is fun fun function until next Monday morning stay curious

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