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Your Shot: Go On Assignment with National Geographic | National Geographic

okay you ready no okay welcome to your
shot welcome to your shot I’m Sadie
Quarrier and I’m a photo editor for
National Geographic I work on adventure
and expedition stories which puts me on
a lot of stories with Korey it’s good
it’s a good working relationship my name
is Cory Richards and I’m a National
Geographic photographer my job with
Geographic in some regard has always
been a little bit about stepping out on
a Ledge and being a little bit exposed
so that’s somewhat of my specialty we
welcome you in the month of October to
explore our changing world that’s the
theme for this your shot assignment it’s
a big assignment how is the world
changing what’s happening around you how
can you show that to us in unique in
different ways think about bigger themes
there’s big things that we can name you
know climate people technology all those
things but also you know don’t be afraid
to explore how change in your own
household is happening scare yourselves
a little bit but you know within reason
so here’s how this works you all submit
your pictures over the course of the
month of October we will begin editing
chorinho and together after week one and
cold down our favorites at that point
pretty cool yeah about mid month we’ll
do a google hangout we’ll be talking
about specific images and why we like
them but mostly we’ll be interacting
with you and wherever you want to take
the conversation and at the end of the
process when Cory and I have decided on
the final selection of images we will
produce layout both online and in the
printed magazine so we’re gonna bring
this very same layout process to this
your shot assignment this month we want
this to be the best your shot assignment
the best month we want the level to go
up higher than it’s been to date so
let’s do it yeah
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