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Wolverine vs. Gut Pile – Deleted Scene | Life Below Zero

coming up to where I left the gut pile
of one of the caribou this is where I
gutted one of them it was a big pile of
caribou stomach lungs I completely
buried it in snow to hide it from the
birds Ravens will see it they’ll come
down and they’ll attract other animals
to it but something found it anyway it
was a lot of blood it’s all cleaned up
these willows are snapped right off here
something dug all around
Wolverine found this Wolverine came in
opened this up and after he ate up the
guts then birds came and picked out it
all so Ravens gray Jays you can see
their tracks right here all that’s left
is the contents of the stomach
that’s just lichens that the caribou was
digesting everything else is eating off
around it
looks like claw marks where it was the
outside the stomach itself was clawed
off hopefully the Wolverine that cleaned
up this gut pile didn’t find the caribou
that I’m going to get right now I got to
keep going see if I can get to that
before anything else does
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