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Witches of Ghana | National Geographic

the village of Nani in Northern
Ghana at first glance it looks
like any other West African village
but this is a community of
the men and women at this
funeral have been banished from their
home Villages forced to give up
everything they’ve known in the world
homes families friends all because they’ve
been accused of being witches
in much of the western world
today certainly In America which is
ghosts and goblins exist only in
but throughout Africa the notion of
Witchcraft is very real
spirit world is no less present
in the physical world and those
were believed capable of harnessing his
power to do harm are greatly
feared so much so that often
they must be banished like the
accused witches of Nani one of
those Outkast its Anka a recent
arrival Csonka was transformed from woman
to wish after a young man
in her Village felt sick and
died the greeting family wanted to
know who was responsible
deterrence the local fortune teller to
invoke the ancestral spirits and said
the source of the evil westonka
Santa it was a terrible moment
she had lived here her entire
life now she could lose everything
song completed that she had done
nothing so the aggrieved family turn
to the ultimate Arbiter in such
matters The Fetish priest after offering
Libations to the ancestors The Fetish
priest announced a test that would
shock many westerners Sunkist fate the
entire course of her future life
would be decided by the sacrifice
of a chicken the sacrifice chicken
died with its legs pointing down
rather than a verdict as clear
as that of any jury in
the West Santa was guilty
song has been banished and Yony
rather than killed because it’s believed
that witches can’t control their own
actions but in order to be
accepted in the witch Village. There
must undergo a ritual purify her
evil spirits that she’s looking forward
to it witchcraft hold such sway
here at evensong guys come to
believe she was possessed by evil
the next day the entire Village
gathers her song the ceremony every
one of them is passed through
with themselves
Santa presents The Fetish priest with
the items needed for the offering
scenes of the ancestors and ask
the spirits to do their work
away from her chicken died on
its back the sign that sunk
is purification has been accepted by
the spirits witch
nothing worry me again I will
sleep in my room sound like
I am no longer a witch
but while no longer a Witch
Saga can never leave she will
always be a member of the
community of Outkast
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