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Watch Out, Batmobile | National Geographic

the military is actively developing
armored vehicles that look like civilian
cars but have battlefield capabilities
this prototype is called the smart truck
it’s built on the frame of a stock
vehicle you take a truck chassis and you
throw away pretty much everything except
the the wheels the suspension the seats
and even the cab and then you build from
the ground up so that what you’re doing
is you’re making an extremely protective
box that has a few firing ports and
viewports out of it once armoured the
army-installed multiple defensive
features on the truck these include
onboard computer and wireless
communication systems night-vision
cameras extremely bright lights on the
front and rear bumpers to blind
assailants pepper spray dispensers and
electric shock door handles
if being chased the truck can put out a
smokescreen drop tire piercing tax or
dump an oil slick but when defensive
measures aren’t enough the truck goes
into the offensive mode a grenade
launcher Rises out of the roof it’s
operated by remote control from inside
the cab of the vehicle
targets are sited with the help of four
cameras on the roof and a fifth camera
mounted on top of the gun while the
smart truck was created to explore new
technologies to protect military and
civilian passengers at home and abroad
there is currently no plan to put it
into production or active service
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