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Vintage Yellowstone Commercials Show How Much Has (and Hasn’t) Changed | National Geographic

oldest largest and one of our most
beautiful vacation lands is Yellowstone
National truck antelope deep peacefully
on grassy slopes moof moof a black bear
but don’t worry he’s friendly he won’t
bother for many years old faithful has
played with average regularity every 65
minutes it’s a majestic all inspiring
sight reaching up with a plume of white
steam the towers above everything
and seems to dominate the world
four-fifths of Yellowstone is thick with
forest but you can see waterfalls twice
as high as famed Niagara foe and you’ll
tingle with excitement as the water
plunges down down in its tireless
journey to the sea if you want to see
grizzly bears you come here to the bear
feeding grounds an armed Ranger is on
guard and you’ll be perfectly safe herds
of Buffalo live in these mountains a
symbol of our banished frontier the
early pioneers pushed through a
laborious Lee across this country but
it’s only in our great national parks
that we’ve preserved unchanged the
really wild things and the immense
wilderness they knew
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