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Underwater Polar Bear | National Geographic

this picture of the Polar Bear diving
underneath the ice on the water
reflection I had first drawn on a piece
of paper ten years beforehand and I’ve
been trying for ten years every year
going up to the Arctic trying to get
that one shot of that bear diving
underneath the water like that and get a
nice underwater picture to show people a
look of a bear that they haven’t seen
before at the time I didn’t know I got
the shot but when I got the film back I
thought here’s an image that the readers
of National Geographic are going to
appreciate and that they can ask
themselves a question of can they stand
to live in a world without polar bears
it’s my responsibility as a photographer
to lure the reader of National
Geographic into the magazine if we’re
gonna get people to care about global
warming we’re running out of time so I’m
trying to shoot the best pictures I can
to get people to to learn and pass on
that information to other people around
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