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Underwater Diving Bird | National Geographic

we’re in Yellowstone National Park both
a male and female American dipper here
will go to virtually any lengths or
deaths to feed their young
this one has a hungry chick and that
means it’s always looking for food
now that’s not unusual what is unusual
is where it hunts the dipper dines on
aquatic insects how does a bird like
this get enough bugs to feed the family
well not by scouring the surface nope
the dipper flies under water that’s
where the best hunting is that’s where
the dipper finds dinner for its ravenous
family this dipper wears its own natural
down jacket under those feathers so it
can dive in the iciest waters because of
its size and wing power it can forage
and currents that would carry away the
average sport fishermen indeed the
dipper puts a human fisherman to shame
it doesn’t just throw a hook out there
and hope for the best it dies it
searches it cuts
and when no prey can be seen it’s narrow
beak prods and prize at the pebble
riverbed for such collectables as the
giant stone fly or the shrimp like Scud
the Dipper goes after these bugs with
laser-like focus and military efficiency
you can hide at the bottom of a river
but you can’t fool a parent with hungry
chicks disease haha no way
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