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Under Pressure | Brain Games

imagine you have a baseball in your hand
now toss that imaginary ball at the
screen how much brainpower do you think
you just used to do that a 1% B 5 % C 10
% D over 50% believe it or not the
answer is d it turns out the simple act
of throwing an imaginary ball activates
so many different regions of your brain
that you actually end up using over 50%
of your brain how is that possible
here to explain is biomedical engineer
Sri Sarma think of your brain like a
house chances are you only use one or
two rooms at any given moment but over
the course of a day or a week you
probably use just about every room in
the house well this is precisely how
your brain works
some tasks may only require one part of
your brain but most tasks you perform
activate multiple parts of your brain in
fact you pretty much use your entire
brain all the time so say goodbye to
that misconception but are there any
others out there what about the idea
that your brain works better under
pressure to find out if you crush it
when it’s crunch time let’s play another
game we’re going to show you a pattern
and all you have to do is remember how
it goes let’s start off nice and easy
ready go do you remember the pattern is
it 1 2 3 or 4 think you got it if you
said option 4 then you’re right good job
now let’s make it a little harder ready
go major pick if you said option 2
congratulations you got it even though
that was a little tougher chances are
you picked the right pattern try again
this round will be much harder and
you’ll only have two seconds to answer
now which one is it did you choose three
if so great job but we’ve got a question
for you did that last round feel harder
if you said yes keep this in mind the
only thing that changed is that we tried
to stress you out by telling you that it
would be harder and adding a timer in
fact the answers were up for the same
amount of time each round the reason you
thought it was more difficult was
because the timer created pressure when
you’re under pressure due to dwindling
time or resources your brain releases
adrenaline and noradrenaline to pump you
up in order to tackle the task at hand
this is helpful for truly
life-threatening circumstances but when
it comes to a cognitive task these
chemicals cause your prefrontal cortex
the part of your brain responsible for
cognitive behavior decision-making and
emotion to function less effectively
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