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Ultimate Survival Alaska: Video Diary Ep 5: Mountaineers

evening of day one on the talat signal
it nuh we actually started up on the
headwaters of I think either Friday or
Saturday Creek and burst into the child
children we met a great home sitter
family been there since 71 one guy goes
by the name of Trapper Jim it’s got a
painful life and daughter I don’t dare
leaving the last its existence so since
day one and have a beautiful cabin and
beautiful lifestyle a beautiful way of
living they gave us a few pointers on
Rapids to come we hit what is called
Devil’s gates or hell’s gates is what is
called and they warned us stay left and
you’ll be able to take the easy Rapids
we decided to go right both Tyler and
Marty made epic dumps on on the crux of
the rapids which was about a three or
four foot waterfall Suns going down like
some dog around it jet streak over the
skies it’s amazing it’s a day one tell
chillin we had a rock and hard day today
flip the boat shot some Rapids we didn’t
read them ahead of time but just kind of
not what I do but in our kind of a hurry
it’s a race he decided to run them blind
and turned out to be not a good decision
but still okay because nobody got hurt
got all our gear and a story know if you
can hear that I’ll get closer
just the mellow music of the ripples
monotonic but certainly soothing put us
to sleep last night so Thomas came up
with this idea hey let’s pull our pack
rafts up on the beach and flip them over
and sleep on them whole Lee draft it was
amazing what I mean well there’s lots of
mattress commercials on TV I guess but
hmm that was a pretty amazing sleep
sleep on your raft flip it over it’s
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