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Twins in the Womb | National Geographic

at 13 weeks they’ve started to look more
their eyes have moved together and their
heads are in better proportion to the
rest of their bodies
at the end of the first trimester most
pregnant women will have their first
the ultrasound scenographer checks for
basic signs of normal development
here’s your babies in 4d and as we can
see they’re identical
the sonographer sees a single placenta a
sure sign that the twins are identical
you can see here a single presenter like
a t-section which proves that you’re
having identical twins so when would you
see they will start interacting or
reacting against each other you can see
them almost sort of moving
from now on the mother will be closely
monitored twin pregnancies carry a
higher risk of premature births immature
development of lungs and organs can lead
to complications these complications
also make natural childbirth more
dangerous so twins are about 50% more
likely to be born by cesarean section
than single babies
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