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Trash Day | Life Below Zero

feels like fall to me it was like a
middle of fall to me yeah
I can’t believe the hills right now
we’re getting into the waning part of
the summer the fall colors are already
happening in the high country across the
river from us and that’s our barometer
telling us so that fall and winter are
very soon to be here today’s project is
to start emptying out the trash we’ve
been accumulating since the flood around
here for four or five years now my hopes
are to get rid of this trash by bringing
it over to the landfill burning what
will burn pushing the rest into the pit
well the pit is full of water so any
metals gonna rust away pretty quickly
we’re getting into late summer we’ve had
a little bit of rain so things are a
little bit damp and that’s why I’m
choosing this day to do this but there’s
always a potential for starting a forest
fire and once started there’s no putting
it out I think what I’m gonna do here is
all right let’s pump up and then try and
spray some water around here too wet wet
the area down a little bit the type of
stuff I’m burning is a lot of paper and
stuff that’s gonna throw out a lot of
embers it only takes one spark and this
black spruce forest and this whole place
will go up real fast
I think it’s time to go get the
bulldozer and start hauling trash
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