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Tiger Sharks vs. Turtles | National Geographic

Shark Bay off Australia’s western coast
is home to an amazing diversity of life
including sea snakes sharks and of
sea turtles even though they are both
sea turtles the bays greens and
loggerheads are about as similar as
sleek fighter jets and lumbering tanks
despite their hard shells both are on
the menu for the bays top predator the
tiger shark but researchers here want to
know why loggerheads are killed five
times as often as their green cousins is
it just because the loggerheads are
slower to answer that
there’s Crittercam a technology
developed by biologists and engineers at
the National Geographic Society
blendin green turn away here turn right
hard right hard right ready
the green smooth shale is perfect for
the Crittercam suction once on it won’t
come off until a magnesium washer
dissolves and releases the Crittercam
right here wrong turn
for the loggerheads ruff shell the team
uses a harmless epoxy and a base plate
which will slough off after a few days
the other participant in this equation
the tiger shark is perfectly suited for
hunting large prey the adults can grow
to almost 15 feet and 2,000 pounds
they stalk from below and rely on
the Tigers heavy jaws are filled with
serrated teeth that can easily cut
through turtle shell as the Sharks
thrash their bodies from side to side
but why are loggerheads their primary
victims at sundown the camera from one
of the loggerheads is released and is
ready for pickup
the first clue the loggerhead angles
towards the surface for air straight to
the danger zone and stays there for more
than two minutes
plenty of time for a tiger shark to take
advantage the first green turn true –
it’s faster nature is the Crittercam
crew the runaround before they can
retrieve the camera the footage reveals
a startling contrast the Green spends
almost no time at the surface one breath
and then plunges back to the safety of
the sea bottom the scientists find this
pattern repeatedly
the critter cams have given them a
window into how speed agility and
behavior have helped the green turtles
to stay clear of tiger sharks and why so
many loggerheads bear the visible
consequences of being a slowpoke in
Australia shark Bay
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