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The Twitter Take-Off | StarTalk

so Twitter is really something that
people connect to deeply and it’s
connecting millions hundreds of millions
of people around the world you have to
ask then all right when did you realize
it would take off so I wanted to know
what was that moment check it out so we
built we rushed and we hack together the
first iteration of what would become
Twitter and it was a toy it was fun it
was just for fun it was just like it
made us laugh one of the very first
things that while we were prototyping
and this is another key lesson learned
while we were prototyping ah my wife and
I had had made just enough money off of
Google to get me myself out of debt and
get I can get fifty thousand dollars to
put down on a 400 square foot house in
Berkeley I got this house and I had
watched enough Bob Vila this old house
when I was a kid to realize that when
you rip up the carpeting or House he
revealed the beautiful hardwood floors
underneath so during this hot really hot
heat wave day while we were still
prototyping Twitter on the weekend I
decided I would like just start in the
middle and just set it cut the rug right
open and ripple but show the hardwood
floors no hardwood force I was ruining
my house and I was sweating and I was
cursing and my phone buzzed in my pocket
and it was a tweet and it said sipping
Pinot Noir after a massage in Napa
Valley and I laughed out loud and when I
laughed out loud I realized wait a
minute I’m laughing at something I’m
working on I must be working on the
right thing it’s making me laugh so
we’re having fun and it wasn’t until
hearty people have Twitter accounts at
this point nobody like just the people
at the complex what I’m saying well Paul
right so this you’re describing like the
emergence of a species
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