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The Sting of Doom | Mindsuckers

an American entomologist searches the
island of New Caledonia for a beautiful
insect assassin he hopes can control
cockroaches invading Hawaii
it’s the iridescent blue jewel wasp MP
Lex compressor the American cockroach
para Planeta americana which spread
around the world from africa seems to be
the sole incubator for a jewel wasp
larvae found in the tropics the jewel
wasp subdued the roach by stinging it
just below the head temporarily
paralyzing its front legs then she
snakes her stinger into the roaches
brain and injects toxins that put the
roach completely in her thrall the first
disabling sting wears off quickly but
the roach has lost its will to walk away
the wasp finds a nesting burrow she
gnaws off one of the roaches and teddy
and takes a few refreshing sips of
oozing juices then she walks her zombie
roach by the stump of its antennae to
the Burrow like an obedient dog on a
leash she lays an egg on the roaches
underside and buries her work about two
days later the egg hatches into a larva
that punches a hole through the roaches
carapace and starts feeding the roach is
still alive as the larva hollows out its
host it excretes an anti bacterial
substance that keeps the roach from
rotting when fully nourished the larva
spins the cocoon in the now dead roaches
shell in about a month
a new jewel wasp breaks out ready to
mate and hunt more roaches
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