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The Nature of War | WILDxRED

in a quiet forest trees
the jungle in this war
He played a very crucial role was
to lend shelter to us as
guerrillas to survive since
53 years of struggle
trees in bombing
They protected when there was in
trenches will save the best shelter
the best choice of us as FARC
our friend action has been our
yes friend in no doubt jasiel acosta
FARC’s relationship with us
as CRAF and the environment of the
us as guerrilla benefit of
environment because we explained to
farmers the importance of forests
Pine and mons
I think we have tried to maintain a
fraternal relationship with nature
because it is that three ridges
giants who have helped us to
guerrilla warfare that is the
resistance is a resistance
just the
Mom good war or bad to his friend
War is never good
concern the threats
on the environment
after this agreement there are many
regions where we have
Always state then do
those totally vulnerable territories
we generate protection to
this ecosystem because we
We took from communities which
It would be the management of their resources
They are in the region where we and
we have historically done this
This worries me all this because the
FAR to make the surrender of weapons and
become a political party
they will use that to try
to exploit that along with the
communities have to design a plan
for that aimed not say yes now
EU is no longer for her
We will not get the juice to this land
It is very worrying because the government
really is not interested in half
environment jungle is the only witness
because there is not lived there and all that
It occurred at the scene of violence
war is something that should not
there is not true because
anyway here in Colombia we are
among Colombians between manu what
we are fighting
then something very hard and it leaves a lot
much sadness far has been a success
because it is not the war loses much
people who want
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