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The Kush Empire | National Geographic

every year the world produces some 500
million tonnes of iron the history of
this metal goes back thousands of years
several ancient civilizations learned to
manufacture iron including the Hittites
whose Empire thrived in what is now
Turkey in around 1600 to 1200 BC later
the Assyrians used iron weapons during
their invasion of Egypt in the 7th
century BC in the 4th century BC the
manufacture and trade of iron led to the
rise of another Empire cush which became
a powerful trading center located near
the modern-day border of Egypt and Sudan
in Northeast Africa
much of cush bordered the sahara but the
city of mero ii in the southern part of
the country was dotted with trees the
people of cush used this timber to fire
the furnaces they used to produce iron
in addition meadow II had a rich supply
of iron ore the mineral from which iron
is made meadow II was also located not
far from the Red Sea which gave cush
good access to the major training
centers further south in addition to
iron the people of cush traded gold
jewelry pottery and ivory Mitte we
thrived for nearly a thousand years
during that time the Kushites developed
an advanced society adopted some Roman
style architecture and developed their
own written language the cush Empire
also gave women more political power
than did most other ancient empires in
fact several cush monarchs were women
but just as iron had an impact on the
rise of cush it also had an effect on
its fall marui’s economy began to suffer
during the 4th century AD
one reason for the decline may have been
the loss of forests in Nubia where trees
were harvested to fuel the iron industry
in about AD 350 the neighboring kingdom
of Aksum invaded cush and the cush
Empire fell today cush is largely
forgotten but the metal that helped
build the Empire is still important in
all our lives today
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