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The Egg Thief | National Geographic

the Arctic is home to predators big and
this arctic fox has been following a
polar bear for days in hopes of
leftovers from a kill when hunting is
good the bear leaves a feast behind the
Fox finds a morsel and buries it a
precaution against an unpredictable
future though it prefers hunting small
mammals the arctic fox is at heart an
opportunist the Arctic is no place to be
picky summertime presents its own
challenges this Fox has shed its silky
white winter coat for a more practical
Pelt it’s modeled brown and yellow fur
helps it blend in with the lichens and
the rocks but today agility is more
important than camouflage almost 200,000
seabirds called muirs crowd onto rocky
ledges where they’ve laid their eggs the
Fox heads for the cliffs to find food
faced the dangerous thief the birds
abandoned their eggs the fox steals all
the eggs he can reach but he’ll need
dozens each week to stay alive some he
stashes in the cold ground for the lean
days ahead in this harsh environment
staying alive means being as clever as a
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