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Thai Kickboxers | National Geographic

Thailand a place of great beauty belief
and history its heritage is on display
each day right next to the bustling
modern day world it’s also home oh one
of the oldest martial arts in the world
Muay Thai we’re on the hunt to find out
what makes these athletes lethally fast
and super tough and by the end of the
week we hope to get a first-hand look at
a championship fight to see the best of
the best and these Thai strongmen in
action when we got into Bangkok we asked
around to find out where the best Muay
Thai camp would be to train so we came
here to find out what we could learn
about Muay Thai and if they could give
us some insight on what makes them so
good at what they do this camp is the
home to cha cha oi a champion fighter
here in Thailand oh he’s in a huge bout
later this week he’s the underdog and
he’s been training almost non-stop gonn
takes us to a secluded garden to observe
a 2,000 year old tradition an object
found in nature that can harden a normal
body into a hard fighting machine of a
strong minute what’s the secret
ingredient bananas but these banana
trees aren’t breeding they’re nature’s
punching bag we can relate to this kind
of training it’s called hard body that’s
when you try to increase the density of
your bones so they won’t break how do
you do it
ironically by hitting things yeah yeah
oh shoot
timber oh my gosh Wow getting hit in the
shin that’s one of the most painful
events in or out of a fighting ring
start off slow man and then see how it
feels then work your way up how that
Thanks hmm
hey Craig a banana tree didn’t do
nothing to you I’m just going all be
nice it’s just a banana tree we’re on
the road once again traveling from cha
cha and sal back west to salute prot
calm to determine how speed strength and
agility define strong men in Thailand
we’ve met up with Jack premia an old
friend from the States that now lives in
Thailand he’s taking us to a place
called the solute calm crocodile farm
and zoo to witness another example of
Thai strongmen in Muay Thai there are
many moves named after animals one is
called the crocodile sweeps its tail
it’s a killer kick that strikes the head
and these trainers defend against it
every day Paul and I haven’t quite
mastered the speed of the Muay Thai
fighter but we’re willing to give the
croc handlers a hand but here’s the
problem there’s only one way to
understand how incredibly powerful these
crocs are and how quick and strong the
trainers have to be I have to try
pulling the croc out of the water myself
take your shoes off boss real smart
Craig had the great idea of me taking
off my shoes to keep him from getting
soaked I didn’t realize they could stop
me from slipping that was crazy
I’m still in shock I’m lucky I thought I
was over when I fell man I’m telling you
I thought yeah he’s gonna eat me we have
a new respect for the endangered Siamese
crocodile and a new understanding of the
incredible ability of their trainers cha
cha noise in the ring tonight in the
championship Muay Thai competition in
Bangkok so we’re headed back north from
Chonburi to the capital city
everything we’ve learned about
Thailand’s strongman will be visible in
the ring tonight speed agility dexterity
power and bounce we’re right here on the
bring side man watching all the action
these guys are throwing these elbows
punches and kicks these crowds going
crazy they know every move that happens
man when it happens and they love knees
you hear and when they start throwing
these they all start chanting
in a stunning upset cha-cha Noi is
victorious it’s a huge win well thank
you very much for bringing us out to
this this was this was amazing we have
had a great time here in the kingdom and
I’ll tell you what it was an honor to be
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