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Tense Final Moments | National Geographic Bee

listen carefully to mu revoir which
means throat of fire in the Quechua
language is one of the most active
volcanoes in which South American
country put your cards up Neal I had a
change of thought on this didn’t he he
wrote down one response crossed it out
and wrote down Peru because the Quechua
language was spoken by the Incas of Peru
but the Incas expanded their territory
north into Ecuador and that is the
correct response so at the moment after
four questions tina leads by one point
so it’s very important for Neal eye to
come up with a correct response on this
next one thousands of mountain climbers
and trekkers rely on Sherpas to aid
their ascent of Mount Everest the
southern part of Mount Everest is
located in which Nepalese National Park
you have both written down the same
response if you are correct then Tina
will have one point more than you Nilay
you had a choice here
Joe Mulungu or Sega Martha you both
wrote down saga Martha you are correct
and that means the Tina by a margin of 1
it’s a new we didn’t have fun today
let’s get your mom up here
now this is very tough and you knew
going into this final but Neil I didn’t
miss any yesterday how do you feel about
all of this is it what you expected it
to be
you’ve been here before I didn’t expect
to anybody nothing’s written but you
studied very hard you didn’t hesitate on
any real advantage okay enjoy the moment
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