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Taxidermy Brought to Life in Amazing Photos | Exposure

you know most people don’t get to go to
Africa and see a kudu sir or elephants
or silverback gorillas nothing compares
to seeing an animal in the wild but this
is about as close as you’re going to get
thought about this story for several
years and the intensity of the artwork
that was put behind it in the beginning
like at the Natural History Museum it’s
it’s really amazing the call is you know
considered to be the the David of
taxidermy and it was done by Carl Akeley
just a scale of it when you walk into
the room is amazing we lit it up and did
it in a way that I think you can get a
better look at it I mean if you’re there
in person it looks great but to
photograph it like it’s lit you know we
use the lights to focus the attention
where we want it so it was a lot of work
and it was really fun you know it’s kind
of counterintuitive to think that you
know Teddy Roosevelt and Carl Akeley and
those people thought but of themselves
as conservationists because they were
they were educating the public about it
and the importance I walked away with a
different opinion about a lot of it I do
think that the artistry of doing it is I
have a huge respect for the the
taxidermist I met some of them are just
amazing we found this story about a
taxidermist in the West Bank Palestinian
taxidermist he was a modern take on you
know a clean the conservationist because
some of the animals died because they
didn’t have enough food and other
reasons and he wanted to preserve the
animals for the kids to see for them to
see a zebra in person or a giraffe in
person and he was a veterinarian but he
learned taxidermy online the taxidermy
wasn’t as skillful as some of the other
things we shot but I think the reason
that he did it was really pure and
really you know kind of went back to the
why taxidermy started you know why
people were
honoring the animals there’s several
different things I think are interesting
about it and from a historical point of
view you know things that are extinct
that you get to see in three-dimension
that you can you know get up close to
and look at their feathers or look at
their skin or the way their hands are
made a lot of people are doing pets and
they don’t want their pets that not be
in their lives so we were able to
photograph Emily Maher you go to her
studio and she was a lot of sleepy dogs
like really mellow beautifully done
dogs and they were so well done that I
thought they were real dogs sleeping
I know people who get really upset by
seeing it and I understand that but if
somebody wants to preserve their their
best friend their dog then why not
because you have a connection did
something that was living I do love
taxidermy now I think it’s an amazing
thing and it’s there so you just kind of
have to deal with it you know I think
people have to keep an open mind you
know I’ve put up pictures on Instagram
and there’s a lot of it’s either love or
hate you know it’s kind of one or the
other but I think you just have to keep
an open mind and try to understand the
motivation behind a lot of it
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