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Take the Money… and Run? | Brain Games

how many of you have heard the phrase if
it’s too good to be true it probably is
wise words to live by right what if we
set up an experiment where that wasn’t
the case when people’s distrust keep
them from taking advantage of a
no-strings-attached guaranteed win
situation we’re about to find out in
this next game
for this next experiment we’re setting
up a booth in a public place we’re gonna
offer free money to people walking by
they can take as much or as little as
they want we’ve hidden cameras
everywhere they’re in the booth
in the buildings they’re even hidden in
the bushes what do you think people will
do will they take the cash so is this
the dumbest experiment we’ve ever done
course people are gonna take the money
or will they did you like some free
money excuse me do you want some money
or free hey you guys want to take this
cash we’re giving it away free money so
what would you do would you take some
money or would your trust detectors go
off do you want some free money free
it’s free money I mean this is all about
trust so you have to trust me are you
serious yeah this is about trust
I’m smiling something nice I promise
there’s no strings attached you promise
i pinkie promise there’s no strings
attached it’s just free money just free
I swear spring even when people took the
money they were sure it was a trick
you’re to take as much as you like
that’s the catch free money
enjoy we’re giving away free money
seriously yeah it’s free man so
nothing’s wrong with it
no this is about trust it’s not fake
it’s about trust about can you put in
yeah if you like but if this is more for
you to take we are giving people a
chance to take money and he’s trying to
put money in what’s wrong with these
people you would think it would be
easier for people to take money but
people just hesitate what do you think
will happen if we change up the
experiment and remove me from the booth
now I’m up in the control room watching
the action will people be more trusting
if I’m not there imagine you’re on your
coffee break you walk by a booth with a
sign saying free money what would you do
would you take the cash and how much
would you take
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