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Superhuman Strength | National Geographic

mark Philip II is an American Strongest
Man winner how does a 300-pound man move
an object nearly eighty five times his
weight behind me as a twenty six
thousand pound truck that we’re gonna
hook mark up to and see how far he can
walk with it David Sandler is a Sports
physiologist and president of strength
Pro a consulting firm for athletes to
determine how mark pulls the truck
Sandler fits him with a battery of
biomedical sensors we’re gonna measure
his muscle activity we’re going to
measure his breath by breath ventilation
rate and we’re gonna measure his heart
rate the data will reveal how demanding
the truck pool is on Mark’s body
assisting David is Alan Macy
an engineer with bio back a company that
specializes in medical data acquisition
to determine how much pulling force mark
generates to move the truck the team
also brings in Tom Co zeal Tom works
with transducer techniques specialists
in the design of industrial load cells
we have a 20,000 pound load cell that we
have hooked up to the front of the truck
that the strongman is gonna pull the
load cell will measure Mark’s pulling
power in pounds of force the biomedical
data is synchronized to the load cell
the team can compare each of mark’s
muscle movements to the load cell data
revealing not just how hard he pulls but
when and with which muscles
we’ve never analyzed anything like this
before I expect heavy breathing and a
very high heart rate minute-by-minute
this is probably the most demanding
activity in all of sport
there it is
mark pulled the truck 120 feet and he
did it in just 28 seconds the key to
this superhuman feat lies at the
intersection of geometry and physics a
technology called motion capture reveals
like a sprinter in the blocks mark leans
forward at an angle of approximately 45
degrees to drive the greatest force down
the leg and into the ground a higher
angle and he would generate less force
on the line a lower angle and his feet
couldn’t maintain enough traction here’s
the surprise mark doesn’t perform one
sustained pull he pulls the truck in
despite the trucks 13 tonne weight it
takes only 500 pounds of force to get it
rolling after each pull the line
slackens and the force drops close to
100 pounds because the truck is so heavy
friction slows it almost immediately as
the force drops mark must then pull
again to keep it rolling driving the
force back up to nearly 500 pounds this
on-off cycle continues during the entire
pull up to 500 pounds and back down
again and again it’s like doing a
quarter ton squat not once but 48 times
in less than 30 seconds
but that’s not all the biomedical data
reveals its own surprise despite the
enormous muscular strain marks breathing
remained steady similar to a marathon
running marks breathing about once every
second but breathing pretty shallow like
a leader each time and so that’s very
regular during the course of the entire
player mark paced himself through the
pull his breathing and heart rate all
remained paced and regular pulling a
truck may seem like a feat of strength
but it’s really a feat of strength
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