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Stunning Pictures and Stories of Adventure | National Geographic

I looked on the hillside and there he
stood alone Sentinel
you barely see and now it’s the cover of
this book represents the collection the
National Geographic image collection is
one of the world’s greatest examples of
the fog refers making that bridge
photojournalism storytelling to great we
really want the world to have an
appreciation for the incredible National
Geographic Society
of sandstorm started to come through one
of those classic calamari stores I
started to look for the Lions
I left them I found and you shoot and
you shoot and you’re losing your night
the Land Rovers bumping around you don’t
know if you’ve got the picture on there
and bingo you did it’s one frame and it
took you 30 years for that moment
Jojo is a crazy is a 40 year old chimp
and Jane walked ahead of me and did
something really stupid that she offered
her hair to this crib this crazy
chimpanzee and I saw it starting to take
I started clicking clear Jane moves
closer her head goes down
dear God don’t let the film out and I’m
shaking I’m worried about focus
but then she pulled back and I was just
exhausted we have eleven and a half
million photographs in the National
Geographic archive each one is an
amazing story
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