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Stunning Jellyfish | National Geographic

that cloud you see is in fact a colossal
swarm of thimble jellyfish each no
bigger than your thumb nail these
jellyfish are 95% water they are in a
sense separate from and a part of the
sea at the same time they’ve survived
for 650 million years and yet they have
no brain no heart no blood no gills and
no complex nervous system somehow they
can taste smell and balance themselves a
fairly complex task
not every jelly is so tiny luminous moon
jellies from some angles look like huge
cathedrals of light in the sea from
another angle they look like the swaying
hoop skirts of dancing mushrooms in an
animated movie 10,000 of them hang out
together at a time and just like the
thimble jellies
there isn’t one brain among them
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