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Squeezing Through Rocky Caves to Find Ancient Skeletons | Expedition Raw

I was the first time had to go into the
cave once the actual remains had been
discovered I looked down and just
thought oh really I perhaps have bitten
off more than I can chew
but you know at the same time the
excitement of what we were about to do
overwhelmed that fear and yeah I’m
perfectly prepared to shove myself where
I don’t belong
I got this job by answering a Facebook
ad I put a call out on Facebook saying I
need skinny scientists we’re not
claustrophobic in a dangerous and
difficult environment and so I applied
thinking well you know give it a shot
a couple of days later I got the email
saying you know your end you’re just
pushing into to somewhere entirely new
and I can imagine that’s how that the
astronauts felt when they were going out
into space for the first time just
thought no one else has done this and
you know Lee’s grand plan the whole
team’s grand plan if there had been a
serious accident deep in the cave was
that we would have had to send a medical
team to them and they would have had to
live underground until they could get
themselves back out again critical
issues no one panic yeah see normal
commute a 200-meter obstacle course is
your daily commute yeah and that it’s
narrowest it’s seven eight inches I
guess it’s basically just a ma of rocky
crag so it’s sort of like looking into
the mouth of a shark try to all happen
all you see is what your headlamp shows
you because you’re deep underground and
my headlamp was picking up flashes of
bone just here and there and everywhere
and we’d realize that we had more than
one individual and we’ll put pin number
one right beside the mandible and that’s
where we’ll concentrate okay skull and
beam flag do you see the skull here
in our genius with that what homo Naledi
has done is force everybody to rewrite
the textbook the family tree that we
always sort of think about and have been
kind of adding the little twigs and
branches to along the way actually maybe
a lot
bushier than ever really realized and so
that opens up a whole new world of
exploration and research that actually
is really exciting time
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